Vince's Repair Thread - (Console Repairs & Mods)

Customer sent this bundle in for repairs/mods...

Cracked out the swan and vita last night will probably do the pads tonight. I am waiting on parts for the Neo geo so thats probably a week out! Some nice consoles though! Really do like the FF special edition swan - Really nice little thing! The swan is IPS modded with the correct glass for the console now as well!
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Always a pleasure my dude and of course no charge just pay for parts is the way we roll if it needs looking at. (Parts wise worst case is like a tenner - port + pi3 plus a filter or 2) best case is the massive 70p I pay for a port (its actually 69p so im overcharging lol).
I've dropped you a PM, as I took a look last night and couldn't see any issues with the port, but difficult to tell.
Been negotiating on this one for about a week or so now, we can play a game of guess the price on the bundle...

Needs a bit of work, the console turns on and I'm told it worked but the drive is refusing to open... excited for this one!!

I'm really jealous of that! I've always wanted a MegaCD especially the original model. Sounds like it should be an easy fix :)
I'll start the guessing at £80...

sadly it was more :( The current dilemma is what to do a video on lol. (ive made some adjustments and im going to buy a much better camera!) do we do the nomad pt 2 (screen is here!!) or do we do mega cd?
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Might have fixed the mega cd already! Sat and had a little blast on it last night. Such a cool little thing.
What games were included? I can see the Sega classics 4 pack at the bottom and the top is a demo disk?
I remember a friend of mine had a demo cd with Keio Flying Squadron, it turned out if you put the level skip cheat on it was actually the full game!
What games were included? I can see the Sega classics 4 pack at the bottom and the top is a demo disk?
I remember a friend of mine had a demo cd with Keio Flying Squadron, it turned out if you put the level skip cheat on it was actually the full game!

It's just a load of demo disks :( I'll post up some images at some point!
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