Virgin 50mp. Minimum Speed

With Virgin you would only get 50Mbps if your cabinet was right outside your door.


As Duke says, that's not right at all. I can't even see a cabinet in our street (I live on one of the longest roads in the UK) and I still get 50.7 megs down and 1.6 megs up, which is more than the package is advertised at.


That's possible because unlike on ADSL(2+), VM give you the overheads on cable so you can see at least your full purchased speed on a decent install. On ADSL it'd be "up to 8 meg" minus overheads, so never more than 7.x Mbps even on a perfect line - which doesn't exist. Cable is not affected by distance to the exchange as ADSL(2+) is, so it's not a factor.

Se7ven said:
Oh I see you're not complaining now that you're getting your 50Mbps, tbh you shouldn't be complaining at 25Mbps either :) no ISP will ever guarantee you X speed

25Mbps is classed as a fault on the 50 meg service, as is anything under 40 megs as a rule. Quite right too. Once again cable is not ADSL. If you pay for 50Mbps you should get damn close, else something is wrong somewhere. ;)
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as others have said VM is not dependent on your distance from the street cabinet as it should be fibre optic to outside your house and copper from the street to your home.

not sure where my VM cabinet is but i get full speed

I really don't get why people would be using a wireless network on the back of a 50mbit+ internet connection (if they are wanting to get full speed) in the first place :) Obviously if you have a very good wireless signal it will be ok, but most people don't.
ah ok cool.
I'll try this later.

i take it this would account for the sudden jump upto these speeds?
Unless your connection actually has jumped, it would account for the dud test results. The way SpeedTest works is it downloads/uploads a test file and sees how fast your computer does it.
In each street virgin puts enough power down the line so the person at the furthest end of the street has enough power to get 50 and the people who live closer have attenuators fitted to reduce the power level to the optimal levels.
doing several tests over the last few weeks it has always jumped around with regard to the scores.

i did test downloading ATI-CCC 10.6 last night and it sat at 3mbps when the day before it downloaded @ 6.0/6.8mbps.

now i know the server could be full but i couldn't find the virgin link to the demo game files which they ask you to test your speed on.

i have tried the Virgin 50mb download test which gave 24mbps so now thinking my speeds may have dropped again?
I work on the principle that if I receive 50% of a service I pay 50% of the bill. Ask for a refund for every month it's slow and see how quickly your problems are resolved.
doing several tests over the last few weeks it has always jumped around with regard to the scores.

i did test downloading ATI-CCC 10.6 last night and it sat at 3mbps when the day before it downloaded @ 6.0/6.8mbps.

now i know the server could be full but i couldn't find the virgin link to the demo game files which they ask you to test your speed on.

i have tried the Virgin 50mb download test which gave 24mbps so now thinking my speeds may have dropped again? download 3-4 and add them up then allow about a little for overheads.
well i cleared my cookies etc and turned off Kaspersky and this is what i get now.
3 quick tests

That's more like it mate. You'll probably find you get more from the London server; Birmingham isn't very 50 meg friendly. Grab a test Linux download from Usenet and see what you get. Search for 'ubuntu' on one of the free index sites and connect to on port 119 with on authorisation ticked (no user/pass). See what speed you get with, say, 15 connections to the server. I'm willing to bet it'll be as close to 50 megs as anything. :)
it appears my Kaspersky is the cause of the chaching as once it's turned off i get settled scored. now hitting 30mb.

is there a setting within Kaspersky i can turn off to stop this happening?
it appears my Kaspersky is the cause of the chaching as once it's turned off i get settled scored. now hitting 30mb.

is there a setting within Kaspersky i can turn off to stop this happening?

I would keep it on. Means that other pages where the images are cached can load faster, although given the speed of your connection, I doubt it matters. Oh and I think that caching is done by the browser... Isn't it...?
it appears my Kaspersky is the cause of the chaching as once it's turned off i get settled scored. now hitting 30mb.

is there a setting within Kaspersky i can turn off to stop this happening?

Get Nod32 it's so much better and easy to turn off if you want to play a game ect.
I would keep it on. Means that other pages where the images are cached can load faster, although given the speed of your connection, I doubt it matters. Oh and I think that caching is done by the browser... Isn't it...?

unsure. only reason i say it's kaspersky is because when i pause protection the dial stays more constant and doesn't jump around or spike.

Once Kaspersky is on it will sit around 30mbps and then suddently spike upto anything like 171mbps (as shown above)
That happens because of the way the web antivirus component works in a lot of anti-malware suites. Instead of you just downloading in a steady stream (as you would connected directly to the internet), you're using the web antivirus as a kind of "pool" in the middle.

<internets>-------<<<<<<<<<<Web AV checker>>>>>>>>>>-------<you>

Basically you request the web page (speed test), and the AV sits in the middle. It'll download, say, 2MB at a time, check it for malware, then release it to you. At your end it seems transparent as you're getting a steady stream of data and don't notice the difference. To the speed test end though, you're downloading a huge whack of internets at once (when the AV 'pool' empties then fills back up again).

Some AVs are worse than others. I've never seen this happen with Avast or Avira, but Kaspersky and several others definitely do. It's not the end of the world and no need to change your AV over it; just temporarily disable the web shield when speed testing.
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