With Virgin you would only get 50Mbps if your cabinet was right outside your door.
As Duke says, that's not right at all. I can't even see a cabinet in our street (I live on one of the longest roads in the UK) and I still get 50.7 megs down and 1.6 megs up, which is more than the package is advertised at.
That's possible because unlike on ADSL(2+), VM give you the overheads on cable so you can see at least your full purchased speed on a decent install. On ADSL it'd be "up to 8 meg" minus overheads, so never more than 7.x Mbps even on a perfect line - which doesn't exist. Cable is not affected by distance to the exchange as ADSL(2+) is, so it's not a factor.
Se7ven said:Oh I see you're not complaining now that you're getting your 50Mbps, tbh you shouldn't be complaining at 25Mbps either no ISP will ever guarantee you X speed
25Mbps is classed as a fault on the 50 meg service, as is anything under 40 megs as a rule. Quite right too. Once again cable is not ADSL. If you pay for 50Mbps you should get damn close, else something is wrong somewhere.
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