Wish me luck, its that time of year where I've got to phone them up to "negotiate" a new contract.
Current one ends in a couple of weeks, & goes up £15pm.
What seems to be the average price for just BB at the moment? I'm on the M200 package. Was thinking around £30?
Everyone is asymmetric on upload other than leased lines and selected alt-nets, ISDN was the last real symmetrical service offered to consumers and that was still dialup/pre-ADSL.
Had my router picked up on Monday by a driver, picked up the day I got the email.
CityFibre are growing but I'd say they are covered by the "selected alt-nets" description. Their entire footprint as of October was 300k premises, Openreach are doing 44k premises per week.cityfibre is symmetrical upload and download.
Without the phone line?M350 and £28 a month here
Without the phone line?
Unless your in your 70's (like my inlaws that live next door to us) old school, can't get rid of the landlineYeah. I've never had a phone line with virgin.
I have taken out Sims with them in the past but currently just broadband only nothing else. i have no need for a phone line and the additional line rental costs.
Mobile phones have taken over. Phone lines should be done away with.
To help hit their targets on recycling of electronic waste is likely a part of the reason.