I felt like breakdancing this morning when I saw a company called NPS (Network Planning Solutions) installing cable on a road next to mine. I've never heard of this company before so decided to go over to the two engineer who were there to ask if it was indeed broadband that they were installing, and to my delight he said yes it is, Community Fibre
. I asked him if the broadband is just being installed for the new apartments which are being built across the road, he said no, everyone will now be able to receive Community Fibre once the work has finished regardless if you live in an apartment or a house.
The installation from what he said is all to do with the new government initiative to get folks able to receive high speed FTTP by 2025. For some reason when he said 2025 for a brief moment my heart sunk thinking I will be waiting until then so will have to deal with Virgin again after my current contract ends
, but that was just me panicking and he made it clear that in 3 months the service should become live. Even though my current virgin deal ends in 2023 I will be checking on the Community Fibre website just to at least know there is finally going to be an alternative to Virgin.
When I got home and entered my address on the Community Fibre website it now comes up with:
Great news!
London's fastest 100% full fibre broadband is coming to your area.
I think for those here who live in London who only had Virgin as an option if you required or just wanted the fasted speed available, you may also want to check on the Community Fibre website whether the service is coming to your area.