Virgin Media Discussion Thread

Do you have to cancel for that?

My guess is yeah you would as it's for "new customers only" which may or may not work if they class you as a returning customer.

My deal might not be the best but it should be a guideline on what you can be offered if you hold out.

My usage might reflect the reason for them not wanting to provide a faster speed. :D

I can't say I download much but when I can just delete and reinstall my steam games etc it might not be great for them!
My guess is yeah you would as it's for "new customers only" which may or may not work if they class you as a returning customer.

My deal might not be the best but it should be a guideline on what you can be offered if you hold out.

My usage might reflect the reason for them not wanting to provide a faster speed. :D

I can't say I download much but when I can just delete and reinstall my steam games etc it might not be great for them!
Okay ta think I'll cancel and either get the misses to sign up or take a better deal. There seems to be much better than what I've been offered so far.
Read my earlier post on the previous page, I wrote pretty much what I did. I cancelled then on the day it ended, signed up through the Moneysupermarket affiliate link. Takes 5 mins and you will get your new router etc within a couple days hopefully. I only had to wait a.little longer as I signed up right before the weekend. Couple days without the internet is no big deal as it will be a big saving over just staying with them. I also got 3 SIM card only deals the day before for £19 which is a bargain imo, 10gb data and unlimited everything else for £7,£6,£6.
Okay ta think I'll cancel and either get the misses to sign up or take a better deal. There seems to be much better than what I've been offered so far.
having a lot of problems with my hub 5, had it since new but shrugged it off but now its totally unusable all connected devices report losing connection and freezing streaming services and wifi is terrible keeps dropping , so getting a engineer visit tomorrow and i am getting to the stage of thinking about adding an other router and going modem only mode, can i ask if i have to go this route what you all would recommend, i am in a small 2 bed flat with the hub nearly in the centre of the flat ?
Very nice I'm paying £24 for 200mbit (boosted to 350 with O2 £6 SIM).
Same, except I pay £1 more to virgin. I find the 350 line to be plenty fast. Was on 100M before which was fine too, but 350 feels great as steam games download very fast now :)
Whats the deal on Virgin's FTTP trial? Does this make existing coax in the home redundant? My house is cabled up with the Virgin coax to 4 rooms which has been handy, but I'm switching to BT FTTP and in the process running some ethernet to a couple of places in the house. The easy and tidy way for me to do this is to replace the coax runs with ethernet, which I'm halfway through doing in one room.

Don't know if I'm likely to go back to Virgin in a couple of years but you never know, just wondering should I leave coax in somewhere useful or is it going to be useless once FTTP from Virgin hits?
Whats the deal on Virgin's FTTP trial? Does this make existing coax in the home redundant? My house is cabled up with the Virgin coax to 4 rooms which has been handy, but I'm switching to BT FTTP and in the process running some ethernet to a couple of places in the house. The easy and tidy way for me to do this is to replace the coax runs with ethernet, which I'm halfway through doing in one room.

Don't know if I'm likely to go back to Virgin in a couple of years but you never know, just wondering should I leave coax in somewhere useful or is it going to be useless once FTTP from Virgin hits?
I believe its still coaxial inside the property and will be for sometime.
Virgin FTTP currently converts to coax outside the property, so leave one coax cable in place for a cable modem in future if you want to go back to Virgin Media.
I believe its still coaxial inside the property and will be for sometime.

Virgin FTTP currently converts to coax outside the property, so leave one coax cable in place for a cable modem in future if you want to go back to Virgin Media.

Fair enough. It is currently coming to a 'hotpress' where the fuse box also is and from there is split into 4 rooms. Not planning to remove that and could always just have the virgin router there anyway (if they sort the heat problem out) as it will be where the ethernet switch is. Can't imagine needing coax for TV anymore as I've not even had the virgin boxes on in the past 6 months.

I despise VM I really do, I’ve been having a back and forth for over 6 months and they’ve said there’s nothing else they can do, still snookered as no other internet provider in the area and this is a 1GB service.
Looks like yours is worst during the day, mine isn't quite as bad as that though still has the stable hours through the night and is worst in evenings.
Anyone around the Reading area? Friend moved to a new flat this week and unfortunately their only choices are VM or ADSL. And looking at the above graphs... the latency does not look nice. They're going for it anyway since it's the only provider that can provide decent upload speeds for their work, but they also do a bit of online gaming and streaming too. Is the Wi-fi on the new hubs any decent or should I recommend them a 3rd party router?
Anyone around the Reading area? Friend moved to a new flat this week and unfortunately their only choices are VM or ADSL. And looking at the above graphs... the latency does not look nice. They're going for it anyway since it's the only provider that can provide decent upload speeds for their work, but they also do a bit of online gaming and streaming too. Is the Wi-fi on the new hubs any decent or should I recommend them a 3rd party router?
Hopefully someone from Reading can say what its like there, but in non-congested areas its fine for streaming/gaming etc. They could get a Hub 3, 4 or 5 and expect in a flat that would cover it okay so would give it a try before getting a separate router/AP. Make sure they connect in with a cable though where possible.

Hopefully someone from Reading can say what its like there, but in non-congested areas its fine for streaming/gaming etc. They could get a Hub 3, 4 or 5 and expect in a flat that would cover it okay so would give it a try before getting a separate router/AP. Make sure they connect in with a cable though where possible.

That's a good shout, I'll recommend him to do just that. His desktop and router shouldn't be too far from each other so a cable will definitely be the way to go.

Yeah, I'm hoping someone around the area can give some feedback. I know my personal area is bad based on neighbour feedback...
Hi all,

I disconnected services a few days ago. I gave my 30 days back at the start of last month. I am due to pay the usual monthly bill on the 6th which covered me for service from the 18th May to the 17th June, obviously as my service was disconnected on the 31st May, I should as VM have suggested be entitled to a refund for the period of the 31st May to 17th June, perfectly fine and understood...

I've logged into VM today to see £56.88 next to "Charges since 17th May 2022"

Underneath this I have One off costs of - £91.68 (which is the early termination fee)

And another underneath "Partial month charges" of minus £34.80...

Can anyone clarify this? I know if you subtract £34.80 from £91.68 you get £56.88 so is that my final bill?

I am due to pay £85 on the 6th... is the minus £34.80 money that they are to refund me for not having any service from the disconnection date? and are effectively deducting that from my final bill of £91.68, so in July I need only pay the remaining £56.88?

I have been sat waiting for someone from VM to answer this query for god knows how many hours today and not had a single response..
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