Virtua Tennis 3 demo on marketplace

great demo, same VT arcade feel although not much difference than the old orginal dreamcast (apart from looks), the king of tennis games is back!
I'm not playing this game as If I've never played the series before, I loved VT2 and was excited for this coming out, just it would be more suited for a game coming out last year to challenge Top Spin. I'd expect Top Spin 3 to be a whole lot better when that comes out.
incredibly hard or am just crap, used to be a pro on 1+2 though, but aint won a game yet, nadal is stupidly fast gets to all cross court shots easily!.
Hmm, not overly impressed to be honest. It doesn't feel like you can hit decent shots down the line, since everyone you try lands about 1/2ft inside the tram line. In the original i'm fairly sure it'd stick to the line, making it difficult for the opponent to get to them, now it puts it basically in the middle of the court.

Doesn't feel like you hit the ball as hard either. Apart from that its the same as the older versions which is a good thing.
Not sure I like this, the ball just seems to move weirdly and has no true weight to it, like its too quick. Quite disappointing :/

If it felt a little more like TS2 or the old VT games, combined with the new presentation it would be great.
Yeah I'm in the same boat, it is fun and more 'pick up and play' than Top Spin2 IMO but it doesn't feel right. Not really impressed with the physics or the character animations.
McManicMan said:
great demo, same VT arcade feel although not much difference than the old orginal dreamcast (apart from looks), the king of tennis games is back!
its same game as top spin 2 imo..

but i down own ts2, gonna buy this instead.
Ah, well. Just like Top Spin 2, another tennis game that I won't be buying. After failing to score a single point against my computer opponent in ten demo games, I was highly annoyed.
I played it, quite enjoyable.. youve got to have your gaming head on rather than your tennis head though.. no tennis tactic seemed to work.. moving in to the net was totally irrelevant at what time you did it.. the opponents drop shots were simply when you were behind the baseline.. and they could pull off drop shots on significantly difficult shots you played.

Either way i was happy when i beat Nadal with Sharapova! :)
it seems to have lost an awfull lot since the last one I played (on the dreamcast) must say im not liking it, every other shot has your player diving around like an idiot.

good job i tried before I buyed
Is a new TS game coming? I found topspin too samey. By which I mean every rally was the same finishing shot. VT looks different to that to me. I could finish every rally in TS inside of 3 shots.
Finally got round to playing this demo.

My thoughts:

-Serving is not as advanced as in Top Spin 2.

-Aftertouch of the ball is not as advanced as Top Spin 2.

-Federer and Nadal look scarily like their real life counterparts.

-The players dive too much.

-The Camera movement is better than Top Spin 2.

-AI is much, much better than Top Spin 2. It is quite hard to beat the CPU. in TS2 you could easily beat most characters in 2-3 shot rallies.

-Crowd and courts are more details than Top Spin 2.

Enjoyed the demo, but probably not different enough to TS2 if you have played it on 360. I suppose there is a limit to what you can do with the tennis games.

Won't be buying this as I played Top Spin 2 to death and this is not different enough. Might rent it, just to see what the mini games are like.

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