Virtual Pinball machine build

Hi there all, i have been a pinball addict since i was a kid (now i am 49 fast aproaching 50), i have played pinball on the ipad and on the pc, but i want to have a virtual pinball with all the games on, i have got a cd with the games on which i loaded onto the pc , but i need some help with creating and building one like this in this thread. is there a pdf or word document i can download with the instructions and items needed for such a build?
Please reply and let me know, this is a serious itch that i need to scratch and it is getting worse.
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I finished my cabinet. @dazzlaa do you have fans installed in your cabinet? Which speakers do you use?
Hi there all, i have been a pinball addict since i was a kid (now i am 49 fast aproaching 50), i have played pinball on the ipad and on the pc, but i want to have a virtual pinball with all the games on, i have got a cd with the games on which i loaded onto the pc , but i need some help with creating and building one like this in this thread. is there a pdf or word document i can download with the instructions and items needed for such a build?
Please reply and let me know, this is a serious itch that i need to scratch and it is getting worse.

Best advice I can give is to join Facebook group called visual pinball junkies.

My cabinet was a cnc cut flat pack from eBay.

Most of the other items I can list if required but essentially you need a pc, 2 screens, or more.
Buttons and encoder.

I finished my cabinet. @dazzlaa do you have fans installed in your cabinet? Which speakers do you use?
Hi there, looks good!

I think I replied to you on Facebook so hopefully I answered your questions there :)

By the way, for this size screen you should adjust your settings to stretch the flippers to the bottom of the screen and lose the cards. It looks much better. I can send you one of my POV files as an example if you need.
I also have the elusive ghostbusters table if you need that? ;)
Hey @dazzlaa, I found this really useful guide just after ordering the very same VP Kit from ebay, I'm not sure how much you paid but they are now £190 delivered.

Can I just ask:

1) Which company did you use for the self adhesive wrap & what spec vinyl did you ask for?

2) Would your mate make me some identical legs (for a fee obviously)?

Cheers & thanks again for such an informative post.
@dazzlaa do you still sell the virtual pinball kits? you mentioned in your build a while back? looking to get one built

hi I don’t sell this kits, I found a seller on eBay who used a CNC cutter.
If you join the community on visualPinball junkies on Facebook there are many ideas and plans available to do everything yourself.
It really is a great time to be starting as there are some fantastic original tables being produced, Harry Potter is one of them. The pinball machine gets used a lot by us, it really is a great thing to have. :)
Upgraded to the machine this past year:

Play field is now an Acer Predator XB271HU 2k screen running at 144Hz.

GPU is now a Gtx 1660 super.
System upgraded to coffee lake: i5 8400 with ddr4 ram.

going to rebuild the cabinet this year to be 3/4 size original Williams/Bally replica.

Upgraded to the machine this past year:

Play field is now an Acer Predator XB271HU 2k screen running at 144Hz.

GPU is now a Gtx 1660 super.
System upgraded to coffee lake: i5 8400 with ddr4 ram.

going to rebuild the cabinet this year to be 3/4 size original Williams/Bally replica.


Where you getting the cabinet from? I fancy building another Vpin.
@dazzlaa I just registered here to join you on your latest journey... I'm part way through a Williams/Bally wide body build at the moment (43" 4K Playfield)... all the construction is being done in my back room, while in the front room is my system which... is a totally bad idea as I lost more or less a whole days build yesterday playing the new Iron Maiden (superb) and World Cup Soccer '94 :p I also have an original 1981 Bally Centaur that I totally rebuilt a couple of years ago which doesn't get much of a look in these days.
Catch ya soon :)
@dazzlaa I just registered here to join you on your latest journey... I'm part way through a Williams/Bally wide body build at the moment (43" 4K Playfield)... all the construction is being done in my back room, while in the front room is my system which... is a totally bad idea as I lost more or less a whole days build yesterday playing the new Iron Maiden (superb) and World Cup Soccer '94 :p I also have an original 1981 Bally Centaur that I totally rebuilt a couple of years ago which doesn't get much of a look in these days.
Catch ya soon :)

hey mate, really great of you to reach out like this. I actually downloaded the new tables today ; iron maiden, World Cup soccer, Godzilla remake, Big Bang bar mod.
Haven’t had my cab on this weekend though so haven’t actually played them. Looking forward to World Cup soccer to be honest.
Really wish I had an original table but they’re so bloody expensive!
Post your build when you’re done mate and be sure to hook up with the Facebook groups : visual pinball junkies, visual pinball addicts

All the best :)
hey mate, really great of you to reach out like this. I actually downloaded the new tables today ; iron maiden, World Cup soccer, Godzilla remake, Big Bang bar mod.
Haven’t had my cab on this weekend though so haven’t actually played them. Looking forward to World Cup soccer to be honest.
Really wish I had an original table but they’re so bloody expensive!
Post your build when you’re done mate and be sure to hook up with the Facebook groups : visual pinball junkies, visual pinball addicts

All the best :)
Hi mate,
There's only 2 games I'm struggling to get hold of for now... thanks to Stern and their rom restrictions :(
I bought my Centaur for £450 through the pinballinfo forum... I picked up a damn decent 2nd hand playfield for about £60 and the rest was mainly loads of graft. I'm a biker so every winter I look for a project to keep my eyes off the rain clouds :p
I'm on various FB groups, VP Junkies, VP Nation and SSF for VP... which is the way I'm more or less I'm going for the cabinet feedback rather than DOF and contactors.
I haven't found a way to PM on here to send you my FB details... it may be that I'm a new member. If you join pinballinfo... My user name is Ruk on there as well :)
Catch ya again pal...
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