Virtue Signalling in Movie Reviews

You are confusing the DCCU with the MCU

Marvel films include: Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Guardians of the Galaxy, Black Panther etc.

Batman, Superman, Wonderwoman etc are 'DC' characters.

But Chris Nolan's Batman is not part of the 'DCCU'

Well, what's going on with this one?! How is there such a gulf between critic and audience. There is some mention of "male power", "toxic masculinity" and "offensive" in the critic review blurbs, but surely that shouldn't be the only reason you end up with such a range between critic and audience.

Either RT is broken, the general public all hate women, or there's something else going on.

I saw the trailer for this film, I haven't watched it yet, and quite fancy sitting down and watching based on that. But when confronted with these reviews I'm confused, is it supposed to be good or what?!!?
You are confusing the DCCU with the MCU

Marvel films include: Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Guardians of the Galaxy, Black Panther etc.

Batman, Superman, Wonderwoman etc are 'DC' characters.

But Chris Nolan's Batman is not part of the 'DCCU'
That aimed at me?

I know exactly which comic book heroes belong to which universe. I was stating which films I've actually watched.

My point remains that the market is massively oversaturated with super hero movies. Whether they are Marvel, DC or anything else.

I enjoyed the previous Batman movies exactly because they were not related to any particular extended universe, I believe that made them better movies in their own right.

The vibe I get from the recent super hero movies is that they are nothing but a 2 hour long trailer for the next movie.
With regards to OP and virtue signalling. Society has completely polarised. I'm not talking about economic attitudes but on social attitudes. You're either socially liberal or socially conservative and the Overton Window has shifted towards socially liberal. These "reviewers" and the media in general all belong to the liberal camp and so pander towards their own audience.

Economically speaking I'm not right wing at all, one might accuse me of being an old school socialist. I believe that goods and services should be separated into "wants" and "needs". With the "wants" being provided by the private sector and the "needs" being provided by the state.
Virtue signalling is another of those terms that seems to be bandied around quite freely with no evidence.

I think the reason why Black Panther got such good reviews was simple, it was a very good film and it seems to have to got people in to see it who have liked it enough to rate it.
I went to see it with my "normal group" and we all thoroughly enjoyed it, enough that we were talking about it all through the trip home and several went to see it a second time (that's unusual),

I tend not to rate films myself unless I'm doing it to help keep track of what I've seen, or it's exceptionally good/bad Black Panther is one I bothered to rate.
i find the lady in the metro does this sometimes.
She is mostly ok but the ratings for black panther, wonder woman and ghostbusters were stupidly high - they are objectively not 5 star films in any way.
People like black panther because the aesthetics and setting make it fresh. It is definitely overrated but there was something new for sure.

Why was dead pool successful? Again, because it was fresh.

Wonder Woman was pretty much objectively the best of the DC films. I don’t think that has anything to anything political of ‘of the now’. That said, it was refreshing to have a non-sexualised female lead - perhaps that’s what people liked?
Wonder Woman was pretty much objectively the best of the DC films. I don’t think that has anything to anything political of ‘of the now’. That said, it was refreshing to have a non-sexualised female lead - perhaps that’s what people liked?

i enjoyed wonder woman and its definitely the best DC film, but that doesn't mean its a 5 star film, its not the godfather.
All the 5 star reviews i saw were constantly talking about how empowering to women and what a good example it sets blah blah blah, so they were clearly partisan reviews and not remotely objective.

Its all very disappointing really - there are far far better movies with/about women for women to look up to than wonder woman or, god forbid, ghostbusters. The same for black panther -there have been a great many very very good films with black casts or individual black actors so this fake fawning gushing over a few recent (at best) above average films is embarrassing (i'm not including ghostbusters in the 'above average', it was garbage).
i enjoyed wonder woman and its definitely the best DC film, but that doesn't mean its a 5 star film, its not the godfather.
All the 5 star reviews i saw were constantly talking about how empowering to women and what a good example it sets blah blah blah, so they were clearly partisan reviews and not remotely objective.

What 5 star reviews?

The same for black panther -there have been a great many very very good films with black casts or individual black actors so this fake fawning gushing over a few recent (at best) above average films is embarrassing

It's not that it had a "black cast".

It was a huge budget movie that had a majority black cast AND crew.
Black director, black writers, black production designer, black costume designer etc
What 5 star reviews?

It's not that it had a "black cast".

It was a huge budget movie that had a majority black cast AND crew.
Black director, black writers, black production designer, black costume designer etc

i was specifically talking about the metro review, which i think was 5 stars. It was certainly 4, which is higher than it objectively deserves imo.

The colour of the skin of the crew etc is as irrelevant to me as the colour of the cast - judge it on its merits and nothing else.
It might be irrelevant to you, a white male

Probably more significant to them...

Regarding the Metro review:

When it comes to summer blockbusters in 2017, nearly all eyes have been focused on the rebooted adventures of a certain teenage webslinger. But against all odds, Wonder Woman stakes an early claim to being the best superhero outing of this year, with an exhilarating origins tale that is undoubtedly the greatest film to have emerged from the DC Comics Extended Universe.

Gal Gadot is Diane Prince, the titular hero who is forced to abandon the island of Themyscira when US military pilot Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) washes ashore. Instead, she swaps her idyllic climes for the hellish landscape of the Western Front, although the conflict she’s fighting is far from the one that we’ve seen in the history books. As an introduction to Diane’s character, it couldn’t be a more perfect origins tale – with Zack Snyder’s accomplished story following her journey from fledgling warrior to full-blown badass.

Along the way though, we’re given our first glimpses of Diane’s power, with one particularly delicious sequence following her as she nearly single-handedly fights off encroaching German forces in an occupied French town. However, there’s no doubting that the film wouldn’t be half the success that it is without an incendiary performance from Gadot who allows her superhero to display a side that’s a little bit human. For all of Diane’s strengths, Gadot never lets us forget that she’s essentially a fish out of water in another world and it works particularly well when she’s forging a Clark Kent/Lois Lane relationship with Chris Pine’s military hero.

Saying that, Wonder Woman is not a film without its weaknesses; the final sequence drifts dangerously close to the overblown CGI sequences that Batman v Superman seriously suffered from but it’s thankfully rescued by a satisfyingly emotional pay off. All considered, director Patty Jenkins has crafted a film that is about to unexpectedly revive the maligned reputation of the DCEU on the big screen, and it couldn’t have arrived at a better time.


Can't see any "virtue signalling" there?
Wonder Woman is tripe, watched it recently, my God so dull.

It jumped on the YAY POWERFULL WOMAN VOTE apparntly this is enough to make a crap movie a really good movie, The only decent thing about wonder woman is Gal Gadot she is head and shoulders the best actor they have had in the DC universe.

Just s shame the entire movie was dull.
It might be irrelevant to you, a white male

Can't see any "virtue signalling" there?

i would say giving an overly positive review based on the colour/gender of the people working/starring in the film is patronising and insulting to the people involved.
Maybe i'm wrong, maybe they genuinely think they are some of the best films ever made.

Also, that isn't the review that appeared in print, they are written by larushka ivan-zadeh.
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