Are the hardware requirements still pretty much the same? We run ESX at work and I was going to try it on one of my home dev boxes - had to have non-IDE disks though IIRC?
A move usually doesn't take much more than 30secs, all that needs to be "moved" is the active memory really.
It's more useful as part of DRS (move VMs to different hosts in order to maintain full availability of resources) and HA (restart VMs on different host in the event of a host failure)
really interested in this. i'd love to try it out but do you need to run it on compatible server hardware?
i have spare desktops but no spare servers.
There's a limited set of drivers. Have a google around. There are several articles on what "cheaper" hardware you can use.
Are the hardware requirements still pretty much the same? We run ESX at work and I was going to try it on one of my home dev boxes - had to have non-IDE disks though IIRC?
Is there a remote management client also for free?
No it doesn't have an odd limitation cloning and templates are a function of Virtual Center.
Has anyone got round to installing this yet, could you let me know if you can use the virtual infrastructure gui management client as you can with full blown ESX?