Vodafone Fibre

21 Apr 2011
Anyone on Vodafone fibre BB?

I see they do not charge for the phone line rental. Very good price and I can get top speeds, but worried about the quality of the service.

Anyone have it and use their service for gaming at all? Specifically interested in pings / latency and any downtime.

Typically I game around 8pm until midnight so these are the key times for me not to have any traffic shaping going on (unless it prioritises gaming!).
Interested inn this myself as my contract with Virgin is up. No matter how many times I tell term I want to reduce my services to may broadband and save money, the only offers I get are now expensive packages written more channels I won't watch.

There's only 2 of us here 38mb for £23 sounds a very good price.
Thanks, but could we try and keep on topic please - Don't want to go down a route of who everyone is with and what they pay as that is not what I am looking for info on. Cheers :)
Interested inn this myself as my contract with Virgin is up. No matter how many times I tell term I want to reduce my services to may broadband and save money, the only offers I get are now expensive packages written more channels I won't watch.

There's only 2 of us here 38mb for £23 sounds a very good price.

You can get 100Mbit virgin for that price. Just need to haggle, make sure you go via retentions not the normal Muppets.

You may have to try a few times to get a nice person.

Although they did downgrade me from 120Mbit to 100 on the sly... Will be phoning to correct that!

Be cool to see if Vodafone is any good, I've been with Virgin since telewest/blue yonder.. always been scared to move.

I'd love hyperopic... But that won't happen as don't live in a new build
VF fibre is very good. It uses both the BT and old Cable & Wireless networks combined.

Smooth 80/20 here and have had zero issues since I installed it at the beginning of the year.

One thing to note, whilst the router is very good and has a nice custom UI along with the phone app, you cannot use your own equipment unless you get very lucky and manage to obtain the login details, which are not meant to be given out.
I'm on Vodafone. I don't game so can't comment specifically but have never had any issues with latency or speed. Customer service is UK based and has been OK for me. But you're stuck with their router which isnt powerful enough for my home network and is a bit rubbish tbh.
I'm on Vodafone. I don't game so can't comment specifically but have never had any issues with latency or speed. Customer service is UK based and has been OK for me. But you're stuck with their router which isnt powerful enough for my home network and is a bit rubbish tbh.
What do you mean by not powerful enough for your home network?

I have two switches plugged into my router. One of them runs two PCs, a PS3 and Sky Q. The other just networks upstairs which is used ad-hoc. Usually up to 6 wi-fi devices connected too. Should it be able to handle this?
What do you mean by not powerful enough for your home network?

I have two switches plugged into my router. One of them runs two PCs, a PS3 and Sky Q. The other just networks upstairs which is used ad-hoc. Usually up to 6 wi-fi devices connected too. Should it be able to handle this?

I have 21 devices leasing IP addresses at any one time. Vodafone router couldn't handle this with drop outs on wifi and odd behaviour. Put a pfSense router behind it with ubiquiti access points effectively relegating duties on the Vodafone connect router to modem only and everything is much better.
I'm just about to move to Vodafone 38mb, couldn't beat the price as an existing mobile customer. Not being able to use my own router is a bit annoying but its not a deal breaker for me so I'll see how it goes.
I'm a Vodafone mobile customer and would love to switch to the Fibre 38 but, even though I live in the middle of a large City, I can't get access to fibre. BTw never fulfil their deadline day and keep pushing the 'estimated time' for fibre activation further and further back. It's a ******* joke that I'm stuck on copper wire ADSL in this day and age.
Won't repeat again the issues I had initially with Vodafone fibre.
As of right now, my router has been synced at 79.9/18 for the past month which I am happy with.
£28/month all in is a very appealing price.
Yes have had it since it rolled out (ex employee so it was free) and its been solid which is more than I can say for some of the other VF services. Router is a bit naff but given they havent realised I left I'm not complaining
Yes have had it since it rolled out (ex employee so it was free) and its been solid which is more than I can say for some of the other VF services. Router is a bit naff but given they havent realised I left I'm not complaining
I'd there a modem only mode?
There isn't but you can turn off enough services now that it's close enough and you can create a static route to another router behind it. The only problem is that since it is still 'routing' you're effectively double NATing if you put another router behind it. This causes me personally no problems but I'm aware it may do for others so something to be aware of
I've ordered Vodafone and Worried about this router. At the Moment I have an ASUS n66 with virgin media superhub but looking to save some money. My dad went to SSE broadband and gave me his white bt openreach modem which still works. Is there anyway that will work in modem mode or will have I have to try obtain username to use it or will it be plug in and should connect to the bt Fttc network.
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