VOoDOo antec skeleton mod

just need to light up the hd fan and add a masscool hd cooler in the 5.25 bay and im pretty much done until i commit to my idea of modding my own faceplate for the disk drive, sorry been working a lot so havnt had time to post pics

so here is the rough sketch









Looks Stunning matey a credit to all the hard work you've put in over the last couple on months.

Antec Skeleton owners Club?

Initiated, passed and raised.

Very select you understand..nod nod wink wink.

i still feel like i have a lot of work to do with this build. So when do the free lap dances start?? I have also heard that skeleton owners club, gets free oil changes, where do i have to go to get these??
thank you larry, i still need to go and clean up some of those edges but too much work right now, so i will leave everyhing intact so i can do some pwn'ing on mw2, bc2 and css!!!
figured you guys might want to see VOoDOo in its new habitat. O and my new mouse for playing on the couch! still trying to find a good wireless keyboard

Razer Mamba wireless mouse and Razer Destuctor Gamemat


The LEDS in he cabinet really make it the centerpiece! i just cant seem to get a good photo with the lights off, so until then you get this


this isnt the LED effect i was talking about this was just a flashlight and i liked the photo


here is the LED effect until i can get a good photo with the lights off


another side view

Little bit of an update for my VOoDOo Redux project. Just got in 3 HP LP2575w monitors to add to the skeleton


Better room pics coming this weekend!
Much better quality pics to come this weekend jox, but thank you! After trying the bf3 beta on my eyeinfinity setup I have realized that I must upgrade my graphics dept. I thought that 2x hd 5870 2gb would be well enough, but I have to turn all my settings down to low and I get a solid 60fps with vsync on.
Well I tried my best, but it is really hard to take good pics of this. I cant just put a white backround behind like I can with parts! Anywho here are some pics of the new eyeinfinity setup.




Next week I am going to get those dam bezels off!!!! After that comes the video card upgrades and watercooling..,.so stay tuned!!!!!
Thank you KiiYZOo! I am a fan of your skelly as well. Unfortunately BF3 is not play nice at all. I have resorted to playing on my center screen and get about 90 fps avg, then when I turn on the 5760x1200 res it poops on me, very jittery 30 fps and crashes within five minutes on Caspian border. It played pretty smooth on operation metro though. I am hoping its drivers but I am getting a new set of cards soon anyway. Hopefully a 6990+6970 tri-fire setup if the misses allows.
I need to look into that! lol. Im thinking of just starting all over again as well, Maybe this time white and VOoDOo blue!

would make this pic look even better

Thank you G-Dubs!!! It should only get better from here! I plan to do a restoration to the desk, painting it all black. Fabricating a frame to go around the monitors once I get the bezels off. Upgrading the video cards......and maybe, just maybe watercooling!
Ok guys, little update. Got in a new air cooler. Its the Spire Thermax Eclipse II. Sorry no original pics for now, but I just wanted to get everything installed and see how everything worked together. After getting everything back together I put a little overclock on my i7 930. I oc'ed it to 3.6 on 1.25v. After running bc2 for 3 hours my cpu hit 70c. This is pretty respectable, but If I want lower load temps under my standard oc of 4.2 I am going to need a little more help. So I am going to lap my first cpu!!! I will get a few pics during the process as well as get some original pics of my new heatsink setup. While I like the preformance of the factory fans on the Spire, they really dont fit my build well, so I opted to affix some geild wing 12's to it. Here are some stock photos of what I am working with.

This is the heat sink in its stock form



And here are the geild wing 12's I will using as fans (I have original photos of these because I have used them before)


So I hope I can give you another update this weekend with results!!
This is just to get me by.....Dont know when I will water cool. I know that it is the last thing on my list though, air is getting me ok temps for now. Video cards are my main priority..or should be right now!
Little update for you guys, no I havent lapped the cpu or got the monitor mod done yet, just a new keyboard thought you guys might like to see it and know what this keyboard is like.

So I really hate it when I am gaming or web broswing in the dark and I have to bend over till the ketboard is two inches from my face just to know what key im pressing. (yes I still have to look at the keyboard) I dont think I will ever be able to type without looking at the keyboard. I got a mechinical backlit keyboard, the Razer Blackwidow ultimate edition. Here are some pics


Lets not forget the most important keys!!!


Actually Razer made the W,A,S & D keys closer together and shifted them over some. Its going to take some getting used to, every time I want to hit the A key I press caps lock because I am used to it being father away! Not sure if I like the feature yet though.

Also got the Logitech G700 to see if it is any better than my Razer Mamba, or see if I personally like it more. Either way whichever one I like better will stay here and my other one is going to work with me. I need macros now at work with AutoCAD, both have extra keys and I want to assign some of my most common commands to them so I can be even faster and lazier at the same time!!! Heres a pic of the G700


Two mice will enter this challenge but only one will survive!!!


I already like this mouse, it has so many cool features! I have not heard very many good things about the software that comes with it but we will see! If you are in the market for a new mouse and you are a palm grip gamer I would highly suggest this mouse just for its shape alone!
I will have a proper review of the board on pureoverclock.com up this weekend, if you wanna hear me gripe and or rave about it. As well as one for the Logitecg G700 mouse.
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