Vote on smoking ban in public places

Balddog said:
The majority of society are non smokers mate..the government will go with what they majority want im afraid...

I dont really care either way...Id rather the government didnt have to force this on people.

Same here I am not a smoker but I would rather they left it to establishment choice.
What exactly constitutes a public place?
Is a bus stop a public place? What about a park? What about the street?
What about someone in their car smoking with the window not fully shut?

Doesn't matter to me as I quit a year ago but I don't like the way some of these policies are going with regards to removing free market choice or enforcing ID cards.
It's good news but CBS is spot on.

Someone should do something about the real problems this country faces.
Balddog said:
The majority of society are non smokers mate..the government will go with what they majority want im afraid...

I dont really care either way...Id rather the government didnt have to force this on people.

The majority wanted those placard bearing loonies locked up. No joy though.
Unless you lot are planning moving up to Scotland (and you better not dare), you'll have to put up with those horrible smokers for another 18 months I'm afraid. I'm sure you'll find something else to be indignant about in the mean time. :)
Was a smoker for 16 years and have been off them for 9 months, the ban doesn't really bother me either way but it will be nice to go down the pub and not come home stinking of smoke.
Its going to be interesting watching the way its policed and also how different some clubs and pubs will be, certainly how different they will smell!

VIRII said:
What exactly constitutes a public place?
Is a bus stop a public place? What about a park? What about the street?
What about someone in their car smoking with the window not fully shut?

Doesn't matter to me as I quit a year ago but I don't like the way some of these policies are going with regards to removing free market choice or enforcing ID cards.

I would imagine it will be public places which are enclosed and have a roof. I can imagine a fining system coming into place quite quickly and people getting collared for smoking in the street.
Phnom_Penh said:
No smoking in public places from march. This is going to be interesting, but was inevitable.

Just to clarify; the ban of public smoking from March of this year is in Scotland only. England's ban is only going to be implemented from summer 2007.

My personal opinion is; roll on March 26th :).
As a non-smoker I'd be lying if I said I wasn't happy about the ban on smoking in pubs and clubs.

CBS is right about it affecting smokers rights though, everybody has the right to smoke where they want within reason.

But everybody also has the right to go out and not inhale that smoke. It could go both ways.
Balddog said:
I dont really care either way...Id rather the government didnt have to force this on people.

I would tend to agree with you there, I would rather the Government didnt have to force this on people but inevitably they did.. I actually stopped going out to bars, pubs and nightclubs purely on the basis that my eyes and chest were really sensitive to cigarette smoke and it was unbearable pain to be anywhere remotely smokey for more than an hour.

A number of smokers didnt seem to care whether they blew smoke straight into your face or caught your bare arm with their lit cigarette. Most know they've done it, because pass a glance when it happens but dont actually make any kind of attempt at an apology. Im not tarring everyone with the same brush, because I have friends and colleagues that smoke and are generally polite about it, but you could guarentee on a long night out that a few people in the club would do it.

Who else can see massive inflation next year?
"The ban is expected to start in summer 2007"

Smelly clothes till then I suppose, still a step in the right direction I feel :)
Mr_L said:
CBS is right about it affecting smokers rights though, everybody has the right to smoke where they want within reason.

But everybody also has the right to go out and not inhale that smoke. It could go both ways.

Yup, but why should non smokers have to go outside when smokers can easily go outside for a few minutes.
well. it's interesting to say the least, but i can't help thinking that it's a useless legislation and the only real reaosn for it is to rally public support.

If i'm in the street, car's do more harm to be than other people smoking. can't ban cars though, becuase that isn't in the publics interest. If i'm in a club then that's a different story, but this is all public places we're talkinf about isn't it?
cheets64 said:
Yup, but why should non smokers have to go outside when smokers can easily go outside for a few minutes.
When I said "go out" I was talking about going out for the night, not going outside to avoid smokers. :)
cheets64 said:
Yup, but why should non smokers have to go outside when smokers can easily go outside for a few minutes.

No-one has to go anywhere... a person cannot be gaurunteed air quality no-matter where they go. I cant walk down an A-Road and still get air quality, why is the idea that I should demand air-quality when going inside a pub any different?

If you want air quality, you have to seek it - a smoking ban wont change this
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