*** VR Deals Thread ***

Nice, thanks for bringing it here. I couldn't wait, so I took the trip in Apollo HD over the weekend, but looking forward to seeing this.

Fore a space nerd it's absolutely amazing. It's still an early release to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the flight of Apollo 11. It's a real handful to fly if you're using the VR joystick to control it, and standing to fly it has me wobbling a bit as the LM pitches/rolls as commanded.
I apologise for changing the subject, but Bethesda seem to be having an insanely great discount on their big 3 VR titles for the next week.

On steam. SkyrimVR £13.19, Fallout 4 VR £9.99, and Doom VFR £6.99.
Thanks Lokiss, I bought Skyrim VR. I said I wouldn't buy it until it was less than a tenner, but, I want to see what it's like on the Rift S. And am hoping that it's better now than at release.
Just picked up Fallout 4 VR for £5.99 from cd keys, bargain!
Vive Index £680 on g2a, have bought a lot from them in the past, over 1400 games but not bought hardware. Might get that index.
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