VR Game recommendations- Post yours here!

Oddly enough I got around to giving it an hour tonight.

One thing it doesn't do is explain itself, thankfully there was a guy on my team showing me the ropes, reloading ect..

Movement wasn't an issue, I was good with rec room, this is no different. I think you're right about counterstrike, it really has that raw game type all the early halflife mods had. It does have that same connecting feel that the simplistic tactical shooters have, and everybody I've played with was really in to it.

A few improvements on what we have, when you dive down for mags, or anything from the chest, things need to be more clearly defined, perhaps not everything mounted in one area.

The main one for me was balance on the weapon, pistol was fine, but with a riffle, having to balance the back end in floating air while looking down the sight was a real problem.

I'm not sure how you address that beyond having a physical object pushing against you.

I agree though, certainly the next level... just a ways to go, his roadmap looks promising, and you have to believe that eyes are on this with somebody thinking we can make a money truck full doing the game type x10 better.

One notch from being awesome.

get yourself down to Screwfix and build a stock out of 40mm Floplast compression fittings and tubing ;) (about £10)
get yourself down to Screwfix and build a stock out of 40mm Floplast compression fittings and tubing ;) (about £10)

Yeah - I was looking at these two but both are a bit too expensive.



Either way I think a stock would really help keep my aim steady - I have naturally shaky hands so when the nerves kick in I have to really concentrate!
Have to recommend War Thunder (if i havent done so already)

The graphics are awesome better than anything in VR ive seen. (inc elite, project cars etc) The sky, the sea, the ship, the tanks, the planes and the lighting its extremely immersive. Im complete **** at the game but i will be perservering with simulator mode (the only mode in which VR has an edge apparently) no matter how long it takes. And bugger me it is hard to even fly the plane without going into a spin. Sooooo many crashes but it sure looks good doing it. Just spent the last few hours doing some tutorials (taking off and landing on a carrier havent managed the landing yet lol, bombing ships, dive bombing ships. landing and take off..i think theres a tutorial to get out of a spin but cudnt see it as i need that one haha)
Only problem with war thunder is the resolution is still too low imo to be competitive, in sim battles people will get the drop on you far quicker due to being able to spot you from a further distance, and while youre head tracking and view capability is much better getting the chance to actually use it to fight is much lower.

That and the fact that last time I tried it the gun sights didn't render properly, and the response fron the devs was we cant be bothered to fix it, so I uninstalled.
Vive: Flyinside has just been updated to 1.61, now looks even better, fame-rate has gone up and using the Vive controller for the cockpit switches is great.
Only problem with war thunder is the resolution is still too low imo to be competitive, in sim battles people will get the drop on you far quicker due to being able to spot you from a further distance, and while youre head tracking and view capability is much better getting the chance to actually use it to fight is much lower.

That and the fact that last time I tried it the gun sights didn't render properly, and the response fron the devs was we cant be bothered to fix it, so I uninstalled.

I'm not too bothered about being competitive - the immersion is great just flying around. I might try FSX next with Flyinside. I fancy flying an Airbus 380 or smt in VR. DCS world you have to pay for yeah?

I would love a ww2 flight sim where you progress career like through the ranks (either mp or sp) from ground monkey, flight wannabe to Squadron Leader, having your own squadron, naming your squadron, insignias, limited plane design, and lots of different airplanes, e.g. transferring to a bomber squadron...different roles in the aircraft etc etc.

Anyway heres me faffin about in war thunder in VR SBS mode. (Currently it doesnt allow you to record and display in normal fullscreen mode using the Oculus) Only way to sorta do it is to fire up WT in monitor mode/non VR then record a replay and then when recording...."mimic" the VR head movements in virtual cockpit mode.....

Had a look a WT yesterday. Had a bitch of a job to try to get my HOTAS configured. Some mapping was dead easy, but "Lock Target", naw, forget it.
Whilst trying to solve that, I found out that apparently mouse users get some ingame bonus to capabilities of their aircraft, meaning that no competitive players user joysticks.
As soon as I realised that, uninstalled.

DCS is a bit weird. The core game engine is free, but it only includes 2 aircraft, i.e. an Su25 and a P51 (no guns). So you can try the game out and glory at it's complexity.
Unfortunately, if you want any different terrains or aircraft, you have to pay, and they aren't cheap.
Don't get me wrong, the effort put into each aircraft that you buy is awesome. I've been flying the Huey for nearly a year now, brilliant feeling. On top of that, the ingame missions are no great shakes and there simply isn't the opportunity to do things like the Historic battles that WT does include, which looked awesome.
Had a look a WT yesterday. Had a bitch of a job to try to get my HOTAS configured. Some mapping was dead easy, but "Lock Target", naw, forget it.
Whilst trying to solve that, I found out that apparently mouse users get some ingame bonus to capabilities of their aircraft, meaning that no competitive players user joysticks.
As soon as I realised that, uninstalled.

DCS is a bit weird. The core game engine is free, but it only includes 2 aircraft, i.e. an Su25 and a P51 (no guns). So you can try the game out and glory at it's complexity.
Unfortunately, if you want any different terrains or aircraft, you have to pay, and they aren't cheap.
Don't get me wrong, the effort put into each aircraft that you buy is awesome. I've been flying the Huey for nearly a year now, brilliant feeling. On top of that, the ingame missions are no great shakes and there simply isn't the opportunity to do things like the Historic battles that WT does include, which looked awesome.

Agree WT did not like my X55 at all and seemed to have a mind of its own.

DCS used to have really good sales and I picked up Flaming cliffs 3 cheap. For missions got will probably find that community forums have loads of missions you can install.
Had a look a WT yesterday. Had a bitch of a job to try to get my HOTAS configured. Some mapping was dead easy, but "Lock Target", naw, forget it.
Whilst trying to solve that, I found out that apparently mouse users get some ingame bonus to capabilities of their aircraft, meaning that no competitive players user joysticks.
As soon as I realised that, uninstalled.

I think once joystick user moves up to full realistic battles or simulator mode in WT then the mouse users are not at such an advantage (e.g. restricted to cockpit view and more realistic flight avioncs/physics) and dont have the instructor keeping their plane all safe. I could be wrong though.

DCS world looks good but expensive. IL2 BOS also looks good and more realism but no Oculus implementation yet.
Yeah the big downside of DCS is the price of the modules, the cheeky sods never put them on sale on steam either, only on their own website every other week and for that you need to download the standalone client.

IMO WT is good for actual PvP rift gaming where DCS is all about the clicky cockpits, thats what I love about it (I work on aeroplanes myself so I'm a bit biased, plus I burnt myself out on WT a while ago)

I cant wait until BoS gets rift support, probably wont be able to seperate myself from my PC when that happens lol.

Oh and with WT mouse users only get a bonus in arcade mode (you'd be daft trying to use a stick in this mode) and slightly in realistic, full simulator using a mouse is useless.

My only tip with DCS would be buy one module youre interested in every few months or so, learn it inside out and have fun. The A10C is probably the best value for money I reckon and really hard work using all the avionics in real time, I've just about got used to it now as its sort of similar to work for me :) .

Avoid the Hawk at all costs, its basically early access at full price and has been horrendously broken for over a year and the devs (brits) have done **** all about it.
HTC Vive
Onward (Purchased this 2 days ago, WOW)
Raw data
Space Pirate trainer
Elite Dangerous
The Blu (More of a demo but still great)
Budget Cuts Demo
Rec Room
Tilt Brush
Pool Nation VR
Vanishing Realms

All great games i would recommend!
Just spotted a game on sale at £3 on steam.
Eve Gunjack (Eve Online), basic look and shoot game but it has some nice visuals.

Raw Data
Space Pirate Trainer
Project Cars
Vanishing Realms

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I really want to try WT but I can't get it running on my pc :( it just stutters really heavily in menus and in game. Any ideas?
Thats really weird, post the GFX settings from the launcher up if you can ill compare it with mine

I've tried all the presets, tweaked the config files etc. Even the sound stutters with it so I don't think it's a gpu problem. Maybe the worst DPC latency issue in the world or something
Picked up final approach last week, as it was super cheap.

Finally got around to playing on my comp again today. What an amazing experience the game is, in no way can the videos outside of VR convey what you get under the hood, only picked it up as it was a decent deal.

I love these magical toyshop esc games. Though it might not be everlasting, stuff like this brings out the child still in me. Recommended for that, and I can't fail to see how much fun the kids will have with it.

Has that 'Rare' blastcorps feel about it.
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