I just unlocked no death mode.

I didnt get very far :(

I found the accessibility options, I should be turning off the animated backgrounds, but I like them :(

Im trying invincibility mode for fun :p
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I'm just happy I finally did Veni Vidi Vici now. :D


Only took ~250 deaths though. :p
Excellent game, bought and completed in two hours, well worth the 3.50 or so.

One of the best games of the year imho...short but sweet. Will definitely remember this game above all this year.
My second playthrough, I actually did really well until I got to Vertigo :x

That one room instantly kills my brain and causes my eyes and temples to burn. The rest of the game didnt make me dizzy this time, just that one room :(

Aaaargggghhhh! I fell while going to get some water :x

Must have cures so I can play this game without getting sick :(

Destructive surgeries are irreversible, and involve removing entire functionality of most, if not all, of the affected ear.

The inner ear itself can be surgically removed via labyrinthectomy. Hearing is always completely lost in the affected ear with this operation.

Alternatively, surgeons can cut the nerve to the balance portion of the inner ear in a vestibular neurectomy. Hearing is often mostly preserved, however the surgery involves cutting open into the lining of the brain, and a hospital stay of a few days for monitoring would be required.

Vertigo (and the associated nausea and vomiting) typically accompany the recovery from destructive surgeries as the brain learns to compensate.

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Started playing this tonight...

I'm only 26 but my gaming from about 3-8 was limited to the ZX Spectrum so the game certainly harks back to my childhood.

I really like this game...it's really frustrating at points but when you do manage it the sense of satisfaction is enormous...just like the good old Speccy games! :D

Thank **** this has a save system though. Used to drive me INSANE when I'd get near the end of a game and die...forcing me to start right back from the beginning. I remember one particularly frustrating game causing my buddy to throw his Speccy out the window! :eek:

Anyways I'm just rambling, anybody looking for some real old school fun should look no further than this! :)
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