walking past people in the street

At home in Ireland it's usually a smile and a "Hello, how're ye? Lovely day/Rotten day isn't it" or at the very least a smile and a "Hello".

Over here in England it's a different kettle of fish altogether. When I first moved over here I was in my old habits and got strange looks from most people when I said hello to a complete stranger, it doesn't seem to be the 'done thing' over here. I usually make eye contact and smile or if it's a nice lady I'll let slip a "Hi".
This is one of the things that make me miss home a lot. Most people over here are noticeably colder than the people back home.
Scuzi said:
At home in Ireland it's usually a smile and a "Hello, how're ye? Lovely day/Rotten day isn't it" or at the very least a smile and a "Hello".

Shouldn't that be "Top of the mornin' to ye!"... :D

Has anyone seen me coat!
Simian said:
Shouldn't that be "Top of the mornin' to ye!"... :D

Has anyone seen me coat!

Never in my life have I said that or had it said to me :p

Ahh bejaysis, hi dee heee pot o' gold.....
If eye contact is made, I give a friendly gaze and a little smile and a nod. If no eye contact is made I just carry on about my day. I'm a people watcher, I like looking around at my location/scenery/environment. I don't stare at my feet when I walk. I always give a little smile and a gaze if it's a pretty girl (if she's not with her beau of course).

I think it's nice to interact with strangers - a little smile or "good morning"/"hello" always cheers me up when someone does it to me. In london people tend to be a bit more solitary, but I make sure I bring a non solitary way to their lives ;)
Scuzi said:
Never in my life have I said that or had it said to me :p

Ahh bejaysis, hi dee heee pot o' gold.....

I was gonna mention a 'Pot of Gold' or 'Lucky Charms' but I'm not Racist or nowt!.. :D
Im really quite tall 6"5' and if i notice somone staring at me while i Plow through pedestrians i just purse my lips and blow a kiss. As yet This has never had any ill effects on my state of health. That and they are probably Very scared.

If its a good looking lady then a smile or a or smirk.
I generally go for the "Thousand Yard Stare".

It means that folks move out of my way because they think I'm not paying attention. And I can stare at pretty ladies with impunity.
I have a really bad habit of muttering under my breath "freak" whenever I see people who may seem normal but, like most of the public, are FREAKS! One day someone is going to hear me and smack me in the chops. :p

How you act when passing someone depends on where you are and how busy the street is, for instance in a busy city centre I rarely notice others but at night I am more wary and tend to look menacing.
AJUK said:
I have a really bad habit of muttering under my breath "freak" whenever I see people who may seem normal but, like most of the public, are FREAKS! One day someone is going to hear me and smack me in the chops. :p.
So wait, you walk around the streets continually muttering to yourself...and you call others freaks? :p :D
Normally a quick glance incase i know othem then ill be on my way.

Just walking home today i saw a guy i thought i knew from school so looked back at him as he was wearing sunglasses to check and he was glaring at me, he then split off from his lass and came up to me with and started with the whole "What you staring at matey", i really couldnt be bothered with a scrap as its a lovely day and ive just had a decent afternoon so i removed my headphones and just said "Sorry mate, wasnt intentional" and he said OK and went on his way and left me.

Why do people have to be so damn hostile these days, its as if everyone is out looking for a fight. I can and will defend myself if neccessary, but i really hate being started on or starting on people, dont see the point.
Stellios said:
Why do people have to be so damn hostile these days, its as if everyone is out looking for a fight. I can and will defend myself if neccessary, but i really hate being started on or starting on people, dont see the point.

If i had a gun i woulda shot him head, good job guns aint legal in the uk, seriously.
Batter all blokes on the street with your keyboard and allow lovely lasses to fiddle with your force feedback joystick :D
Stellios said:
Why do people have to be so damn hostile these days, its as if everyone is out looking for a fight. I can and will defend myself if neccessary, but i really hate being started on or starting on people, dont see the point.

Perhaps he thought you was staring at him becuase you thought something negative about him.
I just couldn't resist this thread... I have social anxiety disorder, and walking by someone in the street just makes me feel awful. I will try to keep my calm, but I will under no circumstances make eye contact. People also tend to move out of my way, wearing a full-length leather trenchcoat and huge combat boots will cause that reaction. :D
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