At home in Ireland it's usually a smile and a "Hello, how're ye? Lovely day/Rotten day isn't it" or at the very least a smile and a "Hello".
Over here in England it's a different kettle of fish altogether. When I first moved over here I was in my old habits and got strange looks from most people when I said hello to a complete stranger, it doesn't seem to be the 'done thing' over here. I usually make eye contact and smile or if it's a nice lady I'll let slip a "Hi".
This is one of the things that make me miss home a lot. Most people over here are noticeably colder than the people back home.
Over here in England it's a different kettle of fish altogether. When I first moved over here I was in my old habits and got strange looks from most people when I said hello to a complete stranger, it doesn't seem to be the 'done thing' over here. I usually make eye contact and smile or if it's a nice lady I'll let slip a "Hi".
This is one of the things that make me miss home a lot. Most people over here are noticeably colder than the people back home.