walking past people in the street

Skully said:
Headup, chest out, eye contact.

Anyone who looks at me I throw into the road.

hehe. that's twice in 10 minutes i've lolled at something on here!

depends where i am. if i'm in evesham, it's head-down-please-don't-recognise-me-or-ask-me-for-change...anywhere else i tend to look around quite a lot.

i also have the WORST habit ever...i look at people in cars driving towards me...it's so bad if you make eye contact because you can never justify (to yourself) the reason you were looking at them. i get told off for doing this a lot.

just look at everyone like this and you might star in a few crappy films, with that dude from american pie be a fad for about 6 months and then vanish of the face of the earth.
im ok

if during the day u happen to encounter me, i will be wearing sunglasses/drivers lense

the reason is,is due to me being highly sensitive to bright light( like gizmo )

so i can look as i please

and if it is in the evening and i am indorrs near a fluorescent light i put them on)
I experimented a while back and smiled at everyone I passed. I'd say about half smile back, and most of those are women. Thus, I now increase my strike rate by only smiling at women. :)
sam83uk said:
does anyone find doing this kinda weird?

where do you put your eyes? do you make eye contact (bit odd as well)

what if its a really gorgeous woman.. do you let your gaze wander on her face or make a concious effort to stare at something else like the floor

I have three modes:

1) Hungover barely aware that I am transporting myself on my bipeds mode.

2) Grinning like a complete goon and eyes rolling around like dice mode.

3) Smirking and looking at norks mode.
Lithium said:
If i had a gun i woulda shot him head, good job guns aint legal in the uk, seriously.

Suuurreeee you would.........seriously. ;)

Slap in a fresh Ctrl key, slide back the Space Bar, take careful aim, and FIRE keyboard!! :D
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