Wall mounting and projector advice

I'm thinking of something visually epic and immersive.

Gravity springs to mind. Any suggestions?
So many suggestions!

Well I'll just have to watch them all won't I?! :p

Today is going to be a slow day in work :(
Cheers :) - certainly won't be rushing. I don't care if it takes a few evenings of getting it right. I'm not doing this a second time. It's going up once, correctly, and there is where it will stay :)

Obligatory photos and video to come of course :D
It's up!


Toggle bolts worked perfectly. :)

Pleas excuse me while I disappear and do an impression of a hermit! :D
Also if anyone can direct me to the thread for recommended settings etc, that'd be great :)

But my god...this is incredible.
Told ya. Told ya how great it would be. He he. Congrats man. Darker walls and black ceiling tile above the screen next then?

Haha naa. I like my living room otherwise :p

The motorised screen is SO COOL

EDIT: The only thing I'm not liking is the noise of the projector. But I've only just noticed it after a couple of hours of going O M G
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Thanks for the link and note about the High bulb setting. Tonight I'll have a play with the settings and see if I can improve the colours. Although Lucid was spot on, its pretty excellent out of the box.

Yes I've got an ND filter at home, will give that a go :) what a simple idea!
Out of interest, what screen did you go with, and is it triggered off the PJ, or is it just a manual switch/remote that you press?

http://www.sapphireav.com/Sapphire-Electric-Screen-Infra-Red-2037mm-x-1145_p_82.html this screen plus the trigger I bought it from Projectors.co.uk

And yes the screen goes up and down with the projector turning off and on :)

The trigger is one which connects to the power of the PJ, then a power cable goes into it, then it sends a wireless signal to a receiver which goes in the IR RJ11 connection your normal remote uses.

It clocks the change in voltage and controls the screen accordingly :)
Thanks for the recommendation Lucid. If you couldn't suggest someone I was going to start bribing you :D - I remember when I calibrated my monitors for my computers over the years, the difference it makes is staggering.

I'll get in touch with Gordon and get something arranged :)
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Tonight's job will be spent doing the conduit and cabling the thing in properly :) - will get some updated photos inthe Home Cinema thread :)
Projector is making weird electronic buzzing noises tonight :(

Is this a known issue? Been fine the previous two nights and remained untouched otherwise.

EDIT: Its not stopped...will keep an eye on it.

Lucid - am in discussions with Gordon, I'll say you recommended me :)

I'm currently watching Wall-E....so...beautiful :)
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He's offered me a discounted price due to being local to me. I did say your name was Chris from Cheshire and posts under the name of Lucid. Am going to figure the details out with him. :)

The noise stopped after a while last night, so will keep an eye on it. :)
I'm still waiting for my new sofa, it's the only thing waiting to finish off 'the setup' :)

New sofa arrives Friday :D
What were your impressions post calibration? All this forum talk of projectors is making me want one! A motorised screen would roll down very nicely over my living room window!

I never did get the calibration done to be honest. It's something I've been too busy to arrange, a lot going on in my personal life and work has led me to not much spare time at all!

I'll get it arranged for early next year. While the system is fantastic and good I believe there is more in there to be unlocked for sure!

Plus there's a couple of bits I want to adjust. The mount I have for the projector isn't great and it can end up leaning to one side a few mm which bugs the hell out of my OCD :p

My advice with projectors (been into them for years since the CRT Barco days) is to get a motorised screen. Its part of the experience imo.

Agreed. I'm very very pleased I went with the motorised screen now. It's just...SO COOL

Might do a vid later :)
Yep, it makes the PJ so much more of an occasion. Even the burrrrr of the screen motor as it comes down as the image brightens up onto it is a nice part of a projector setup.


As the projector triggers the screen coming on all I do is press the one button on the remote and you hear the projector fire up, but typically I keep talking to friends (as surprisingly nobody points out the screen or PJ, it just isn't noticed) then they see stuff starting to flicker on the wall then the screen starts coming down.

Thats when everyone usually stops talking to stare :D
Here you go.

It's not often people see inside my place like this. It's no perfect place and has signs someone actually lives there. The cabling needs doing properly but again due to time restraints I simply haven't had time to 'finish it off' - effectively. But it functions fine as it is so I'll sort it in the new year when things aren't so crazy.










nd a video, the projector triggers the screen coming down about 35-40 seconds after its switched on so the bulb is all warmed up etc.

Oh and ignore the cat :p

New sofa turning up Saturday :D
That is wicked, love how the screen comes down. Its like when the curtains go back at the cinema :)

Hehe. What I want next is Philips Hue bulbs for lighting in the room. That way I could dial those into the Harmony to auto dim/switch off when the PJ comes on :D
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