Wannabe python programmer

OK Rich after breaking down my first project these are the things I need to learn first

Learn how to DB using Python (wether that be a SQL DB at this stage or not)

Learn how to make graphs, charts etc from DBed data (also what to use as my output HTML or a simple GUI (which I have no idea how to make))

So if you could point me in the right direction, it would be much apprecaited, also as this is a group learning project and I don't really want to have to bother Rich all the time (as he has a few students on the go) help and advice from anyone else who knows is more than welcome.

Cheers all, Enjoying it so far


I figured you already knew some Python from talking to you.

1. Learn Databases: See: http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/orm/tutorial.html
Try and figure out how to install SqlAlchemy on your system (If you had Linux, it would be as simple as a few mouse clicks, but if you get stuck let me know and I will elaborate) and then work your way through the Tutorial.

You may need to get to grips with Python Classes since they are commonly used to design databases with Python. Couple of links for this:

SqlAlchemy can generate the SQL code for you (behind the scenes), its very clever :)

2. Graphs/Charts: You will need another 3rd party library for this. I have personally never had the need to do this with Python but from googling "python graphs", it seems there are a few libraries out there to get the job done. I will get back to you with more information after I have done some research.

3. Small programmable python webserver: Head over to http://bottlepy.org/docs/dev/ and take a read of the documentation and try out the tutorial.
a) Right click and Save as on this file: https://github.com/defnull/bottle/raw/master/bottle.py
b) Get the "Hello World" example from the front page of the bottlepy website.
c) Save that in hello.py (for example) and save it in the same directory as the bottle.py file you downloaded.
d) Run it :)

I will try and get in touch with you on Skype as often as possible too.
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I'm learning python at the moment. long time c++ programmer so finding it quite easy but pretty powerfull.

Someone mentioned ai.. theres a course at udacity.net called 'how to program a self driving car'. some of the assignments are programming assignments using python. it starts off at a pretty basic level too, so is a good way to learn. plus you cover ai topics and some basic maths at the same time. free too, i reccomend it
I'm learning python at the moment. long time c++ programmer so finding it quite easy but pretty powerfull.

Someone mentioned ai.. theres a course at udacity.net called 'how to program a self driving car'. some of the assignments are programming assignments using python. it starts off at a pretty basic level too, so is a good way to learn. plus you cover ai topics and some basic maths at the same time. free too, i reccomend it

I'll check that out mate cheers ;)
I've a thread on the Udacity site here, im doing the CS101 course as well.

The self driving car one, I have started, and was understanding it ok but then we had to write some python script and BAM, no flipping idea.

I know what I need to do but don't know how to do it :p
If your still teaching Rich then I would be 100% interested.

I've spent the past few weeks searching the net trying to find out which language would be best for a complete beginner and only the other day decided on Python, it was the one that most people recommended for a beginner.

I've ordered Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner by Mike Dawson so I could study even while I'm away from my computer.
Further to this thread and the starting a forum one, though I'm kind of busy at the moment I have set aside a subforum of my new site for the purposes of a Python 'Group Learning Project' , (It's my new buzzword at the moment apparently :D)

So hopefully we can get some tutorials published and some interesting disscusions going
If your still teaching Rich then I would be 100% interested.

I've spent the past few weeks searching the net trying to find out which language would be best for a complete beginner and only the other day decided on Python, it was the one that most people recommended for a beginner.

I've ordered Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner by Mike Dawson so I could study even while I'm away from my computer.

Sure, Click my trust and you can get my Skype username and send me a message. I can help you out. You have not configured your trust details as of writing :(
That is a very good book as-well, I have it myself :)
I would absolutely recommend getting Dive into Pythin and Dive into Python 3. They are freely available in PDF format on the web. They are great for learning. :)
Cheers again for all the help folks.

TBH I'm kinda busy gaming (the first couple of weeks of one of those 24/7 browser RTS things) when the Chaos of that calms down a bit I'll be getting back to this project.

Nice to see so many others also with an interest in the subject, hopefully we can all learn a lot from each other
If anyone is interested I just started my first forum, I set aside a subforum incase me and rich needed to get into some deeper disscusions than Skype would allow.

Anyone interested in Python is more than welcome to join though.

So if anyone is into using a little forum space for the discussion of learning python, shout out, I'll sort out some linkage (if you are interested please register under your OCUK name so I can ID you, the forum is used by a few diffrent groups - thanks)
Python advice....

I have been playing with php for around 12 months on and off. Along the way I have learnt a fair bit, specifically around simpleXML, interacting with MySQL and if/else statements.

What still catches me out with php is the bracketing :D takes me hours to trouble shoot this.

Can python be used on the web easily? It seems a more human language and doesn't seem to use brackets so much. It uses indentation right? I can understand this :p

Could I write a little program that imports xml data, scrapes it, then sends it to MySQL database?

atm I have loads of php files and am going to have to setup around 20 cronjobs.

Would one python program be better? Can it run "statements" based on time?
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