Want to buy but can't decide!

The headset plugs into a Jack at the back of your head I use mine with a cloud 2 hyper x and I've never gotten tangled in the head set wire as it just rests down your back with the rest of the cables.
It's not really the tangling that's the problem, just the hassle of connecting them up (if you use them for other purposes) and having an additional cable flying about to be aware of. I switched to a set of Turtle Beach Stealth 450s, makes the experience a lot more seamless imo.
I do wear glasses as I'm slightly short-sighted (have to wear for driving), but don't wear them when I use the PC, so not sure if I'll need them for the Vive. So would the 18mm vrcovers be a better option
Chances are you'll be fine without glasses - just try it out and see how you get on. You can always compare it to the view with your glasses using the stock cover. :) I've now gone the prescription lens route with my Vive.

In terms of covers, I've bought the waterproof cover (effectively a leathery cover that wraps over the stock cover) - it works, but it's a finicky beast to fit. The 6mm cover is a complete replacement, very easy to fit. In both cases, they don't leave a gap for the arms of my glasses like the stock cover does, so it might be a tight squeeze. I've heard that the 18mm memory foam covers are extremely comfortable, but it does push the lenses slightly further from your eyes and hence reduces field of view.
Well the Vive was delivered on Tuesday (actually Curry's delivered 2 of them by mistake, however they cottoned on and have relieved me of the extra one now :mad:) and I tested it briefly last night. Having no stands yet for the sensors I had to precariously place them in less than ideal spaces. My first impressions were that it will take some getting used to. I did notice some image blur away from the centre of the screen, but I was still quite impressed though. What did impress me though was firing up project cars - I didn't even plug my wheel and pedals in, just picked a car and exited the pits. Absolutely amazing. I was in it, absolutely 100%.

Now I just need to play with it all, understand what I should be tweaking etc. to improve the visuals/clarity etc as I'm hoping there's a fair bit of room for improvement. I'll always be wondering if I should have got the Rift, bearing in mind racing games are my thing, however, they're not everybody else's in the family.

Also now need to look for sensor stands and getting the right VRCover, whichever one that might be.
You'll notice that if you touch the lighthouse base stations which, being pedantic, are emitters, not sensors (but we all know what you mean) they disable themselves.

This is the stop the spinning parts being damaged.

In turn, if you simply put them on tripods you'll find that the tacking of the whole system can intermittently turn off and/or result in strange things happening - like the virtual floor suddenly not being level simply from you walking around the room and the tripods shaking.

In addition to being wobbly, mounting the base stations on tripods also have the disadvantage of being roughly about head height. This results in you walking between the sensors more than you might imagine and means they can't keep in sync via their optical sync mechanism. This is easy to resolve by using the cable for syncing that comes with the Vive - but it's another cable running around the outside of the room.

If you're not going to wall mount the base stations with screws (which you should 100% do because the holes left are easy to repair/cover up/hardly noticeable anyway) then the next best solution is either:

1) 3M Command Strips (the removable double sided tape kind) others have used them but not sure I'd trust them myself!

2) Quite a few people use "Extension Support Rods" (plasterboard props) which are rods that "clamp" between your floor and your roof and provide a solid and totally removable solution. Combined with a clamp grip with a regular camera mount you can put the base stations on these and will likely have none of the problems described above.
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