Warhammer Total War Confirmed

I may be the only one glad this is Warhammer and not 40K. Lore wise 40K all day, but when I'm playing a video game I want to see units smashing into each other, old skool magic and dragons etc. Not ranged, skirmish based combat. Back in the day, and this is going way back, Warhammer peed all over 40K gameplay wise. Things may have changed over the years, but I still prefer massed ranks of fantasy creatures duking it our with clubs and axes. This marries perfectly with Total War - more than 40K could. imho of course.
Will buy this, instant purchase. Maybe even collectors edition.

If you like Necromunda, keep an eye on Mordheim on steam. I can imagine the producers of that will do Necromunda in the future.
I don't get the CA hate on here. Okay, some of their releases have been buggy, but I had little to no problems with Total War Attila, so maybe they've started to get on top of their issues with bugs. Plus, for the amount of play time I get from their games, I can forgive a few bugs here and there. I've never had the game-breaking issues that people seem to complain about.
I think it's because people have an affection for Warhammer, and don't want to see it spoiled by the bugginess that seems to come with every TW game, and can take months to patch out.
Have you never seen the state of pretty much every Creative Assembly/Total War game for about the first six months after release?


The only reason I'm psyched about this is because it's Warhammer. I loved the original 40k and the DOW series and still play them now!
Only 4 playable races is a bit disapointing.
Of course.

The other races will be playable at the discount price of £9.99 a few months after release every so often. :p

(I'm laughable because I'll most likely pay it).

I'm looking forward to this one, I did a huge amount of modding for Rome 2 on the steam workshop (got about 40 units into the main Radious mod) but for Attila I'm taking a break.

I'd most certainly get back into modding for a Warhammer total war game, will have to brush up on my photoshop/texturing/mapping skills once we get a release date. :)
Atilla is much better, its everything Rome2 should have been.

I reckon after the whole Rome2 experience CA/Sega have eaten some humble pie. I cant see them risking a new lucrative IP with GamesWorkshop by repeating the whole thing a 2nd time.
Well I really want this one to be good but that trailer tells me nothing. Sorry CA but you've lost the trust of a life long fan after recent releases. I just hope they rediscover their old form for this one.
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