Well I read that it will be 3 games. I guess each game adding 2 or 3 new races, like how DOW did it.
Looks great- and I think Chaos will be an Expansion or DLC
omfg looks brill -
It will be 3 standalone games in different parts of the warhammer world, but if you have more than one, it will join onto the world map for an even grander campaign.
Theres 17 different races in the warhammer world (im talking games workshop) so if they end up putting 4 new races in all 3 games that's 16. I got the number 4 from the first game having 4, so this purely guess work. So it might mean only 1 dlc race...but I doubt it.
But thinking about the race dlcs (if any) should be worth it, as look how varied the races are, unless they gimp it and put the minimum amount of different units then have to buy lots of separate dlcs to get the race up to where it should be...but that's being a bit cynical.
Same engine as Attila but updated, so we shall see.
That doesn't inspire confidence, plus I don't trust CA with trailers after the Rome 2 fiasco - it looked so good in the pre-launch promotion material, but what the consumer got was another beast entirely.
That doesn't inspire confidence, plus I don't trust CA with trailers after the Rome 2 fiasco - it looked so good in the pre-launch promotion material, but what the consumer got was another beast entirely.
Look at the Stardock games coming out, using newer tech like Mantle and DX12, TW devs need to take a look at this and learn from it.
I have Rome 2, installed it and uninstalled it 20mins later, the engine is so horrendously optomised its laughable in this day and age.
My dream is a DX12 based Middle Earth version of Total War, that would probably get me a divorce pretty quick.
A battle running on pre-alpha, it's scripted but gives you an idea. Have to say if it's anything like this it will be awesome!
Magic looks very cool but possibly a little overpowered, one spell destroyed an entire unit