Warhammer: Vermintide

21 May 2004
South Staffs
I'm surpised there is no thread about this...


Co-op (4 player) first person action game based on the Warhammer Universe. 5 classes to chose, various abilities, the usual enemies. Decent looking game too.

Released to Steam on the 23rd of October.

Looks pretty fun based on the TotalBiscuit Beta impressions here:
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I read warhammer - got excited
went onto website - looks nice
watched video - found it was a co-op fps game :o

looks pretty boring but then I don't really get co-op fps games :confused:
Another game based on a universe GW no longer supports, they must be happy :D

Once again by a pretty unknown dev though, will wait and see.
Did a video on this after chatting to the developers at EGX for about 20 minutes via my press pass. They also provided me a closed beta copy so that I could play it to my hearts content and record what I wanted.

In short, the game is absolute quality. The graphics are insane, it plays just like left 4 dead 2 and each character has a unique playstyle to keep it fresh.
Played at EGX too :) Pleasantly surprised. At first glance it looked like an exact clone to L4D at some parts, especially the UI. Obviously they're both horde-type games so they draw similarities. I'm a sucker for first person melee weapons though (something that L4D did quite poorly imo), so maybe I'm just biased :p
Its a cracking game. Just did a level on hard and found all 3 tomes so got some really nice loot at the end of it. You can also upgrade the loot in a similar way to diablo 3 where you merge it with rare items to give it better stats too.
Eh, my friends played this at EGX with Mr watching and it looked horrendous. Graphics were pretty bad, gameplay was just on rails and boring. Neither of them enjoyed it. Am surprised to see comments to the contrary from people that saw/played it at EGX.
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