Warhammer: Vermintide

how much is it like l4d? does it add anything extra to the genre or just warhammer?
Think left for dead, but with a number of side quests (kill this, hold this area, pick up these, collect this etc) quests instead of just getting to the exit.

A single player game, but heavy on waves of enemies with a few classes with items that carry between fights.

I've played it a bit earlier & it wasn't bad actually, for the £20 category price I thought it was a good purchase, it's not a £40 game - but worth the money if you enjoyed Left For Dead & like the Warhammer universe.
With all the positive reviews on steam and the price being low. I'm surprised there hasn't been more interest on these forums.

I just expected a lot more posts in this thread when I came looking for info on the game here.
Played it last night with my brother and a mate and it was really good fun!

If you're looking for a new, co-op fps there are few other contenders imo
P2P only. :(

No buy.

Eh? ive seen no microtransactions in the game.
Great graphics, atmosphere, runs well and fair price.
Would be real good if we got a list of ocuk players to get some teams though.
Ive played with bots but the pugs suck with people having like 50 hours plus already from owning pre-release and seem to just kick "newbie" players.
Eh? ive seen no microtransactions in the game.

I think he means peer to peer as in no dedicated servers but seeing as it's a 4 player coop game and not a 64 man competitive fps I think that's a ridiculous reason not to buy the game!

I got the game for £16 from GMG and I think it's been worth every penny :D
I think he means peer to peer as in no dedicated servers but seeing as it's a 4 player coop game and not a 64 man competitive fps I think that's a ridiculous reason not to buy the game!
Ah,didnt think of that. Well if anyone want to add me its same name for steam. Can generally play from about 20:00 weeknights..(wife and baby allowing).
had a couple games and the community is a little toxic right now, on my first game I got grief because I didn't know what I was doing, don't think there is even a tutorial. second game I finished top in everything, the 3rd guy was griefing the 4th. On the third game we got to the end of the second mission where a "tank" attacked and I tried to solo it for ages while everyone was running around collecting food I eventually died then so did the other 3 and one guy was going nuts with swearing at us yet he finished bottom with everythingand contributed hardly anything.
had a couple games and the community is a little toxic right now, on my first game I got grief because I didn't know what I was doing, don't think there is even a tutorial. second game I finished top in everything, the 3rd guy was griefing the 4th. On the third game we got to the end of the second mission where a "tank" attacked and I tried to solo it for ages while everyone was running around collecting food I eventually died then so did the other 3 and one guy was going nuts with swearing at us yet he finished bottom with everythingand contributed hardly anything.

I kinda assumed people buying coop games would be doing so to play with real life friends or online friends not complete randoms online. I'd rather play a decent single player game if that was the case or a competitive multiplayer fps
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Think left for dead, but with a number of side quests (kill this, hold this area, pick up these, collect this etc) quests instead of just getting to the exit.

A single player game, but heavy on waves of enemies with a few classes with items that carry between fights.

I've played it a bit earlier & it wasn't bad actually, for the £20 category price I thought it was a good purchase, it's not a £40 game - but worth the money if you enjoyed Left For Dead & like the Warhammer universe.

Thanks ill give it a go then must admit its only because of the warhammer universe that im interested.
Anyone played around with poison weapons?
Unlocked a blue bow on the Elf that does poison damage and it seems a bit crap. Damage seems pathetic and it carries less arrows.
Tried doing the last mission 6 times and ended up getting destroyed, with the same group I did most of the other missions with. It seems ridiculously hard unless you're on comms.
You really need to work together well on hard or above. It gets fiendishly difficult. Sometimes you get a perfect storm of ratling gunner, globadier, and ogre all at the same time and that takes some serious luck to get out of alive. Really enjoying it, although it is a blatant rip off of l4d2 in terms of the specials and how they work. Not necessarily a bad thing though.
I got a key from the guys to play this on stream, the graphics are good and gameplay seems nice. What wasn't great, is when I selected a mission, it was randomly putting me in some which had already started so I missed parts of the mission, I wasn't too impressed about this.
I got a key from the guys to play this on stream, the graphics are good and gameplay seems nice. What wasn't great, is when I selected a mission, it was randomly putting me in some which had already started so I missed parts of the mission, I wasn't too impressed about this.

Ive had that a few times, its exactly the same as left4dead. one of the best ones was when I joined a game right when they got into the carriage at the end. easiest loot I ever had.
They've not really explained the interface too well, but it is a little more advanced than it first appears.

if you press 'L' in the inn it opens up a server browser where you can choose map, difficulty and server location and it'll tell you whether they're already in game or still in the inn.
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