I've got two full 40k armies to build and paint one day - Primaris Marines and Death Guard. I have about 2k of Ultramarines built already. The xenos factions in 40k really hold no interest for me and the battle reports really don't entertain as much as AoS. Miniwargaming are doing a new Path to Glory for 40k soon, so I might watch that.I prefer AoS setting but the 40k rules are better in my opinion.
Despite having an AoS army I don't really have a choice though as my son massively prefers 40k so I'm being dragged that way. As it is beyond the marines which he has no real factions really have me thinking "oooh" I like them. That's unlike AoS where I like almost every army and could happily collect most. I will probably end up as 40k Orks, I like their lunacy.
AoS-wise, I have to admit that I've been eyeing a new faction once my Khorne army is complete. Death or Destruction is question one, and the latter is leading in my mind. I just think I'd love a Big Waaagh army as I refuse to go Bonereapers and the rest of Death doesn't float my boat.
We have officially derailed this thread.