Was Home Secretary John Reid wrong to ask Muslim parents to spy on their kids?

13 Jan 2004
i dont think its wrong.... all he's asking is that parents control their kids a bit better. same goes for all kids, but lets face it, kids are easily led and islamic extremists are not the kinds pied pipers you want your kids idolising over.


the pope made me laugh though... he quotes out of a 400 yr old (?) passage and gets slated for suggesting muslims/mohammed do inhuman things i think it was, then they go blow up a church and shoot a nun. way to prove him right.
11 Mar 2004
nope, they already ask parents to spy on kids abyway, i.e. "watch out for signs of drug use" "make sure you know who there friends are" "what are your children doing on line"

all for the safety of the child. i dont see why anyone should take offence just because the governments also advising muslim parents on safety issues surrounding their children and their society and anyone who has a problem with it i have no time for, i also believe a general message should be put across that this is england. if you come here to live your expected to do the following,

1, abide by our laws, whether you believe them to be fair or not.

2, integrate to some extent at the very least. live amongst us all instead of hearding yourselves off in little areas.

3 be accepting of ALL peoples, whether they are christian jew muslim gay straight black or white, whatever they may be, this is a western country with many different peoples living in it, it will never be a shariah state and there will never be one world under Islam.

if you dont like it, leave.

excuse my rant but ive been listening to some of the arguments given by the hecklers of john reids speach and its annoyed me some what.
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11 Mar 2004
vaultingSlinky said:
He is not doing it in the same way "watch out for drug abuse" is put forward. This is more of a "the Muslim community needs to do more to combat extremism so could parents please report their kids to the police if they look like extremists"

Whereas the drugs message is more one of "you should sternly advice your kids not to take drugs as it could greatly endanger their life"

actually the drugs message is if your kids robbing houses to pay for his drugs, report him as its your civic duty. the same applies to muslims in britain as well. if a member of your family is breaking a law that is severe enough to cause harm to others, you should bloody well report them without a second thought.
Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
vaultingSlinky said:
I'm sure most members on the board with close family would be reluctant to give them a long jail sentence

We had a thread about this very subject at least a year ago that got very heated and closed.
You'd be amazed how many posters on here wouldn't think twice about shopping their family.
11 Mar 2004
vaultingSlinky said:
I'm sure if they thought a member of their family was going that way, or preparing to kill him/herself in the name of his/her religious beliefs that the family would do all they can to disuade them.

but in order for a muslim family to know what their child is up to, they have to keep an eye on them and get involved with their lives. its up to moderate muslim housholds to do this.

just so that you are aware, as harsh as im sounding tonight i actually have a great respect for peacful islam, i love its culture, its scientific accomplishments through the last thousand years have changed the world and i even love its music. But i am not a muslim, i am an English man who belives everyone prays to the same god and who also believes that violent conflict over that very issue guarantees you a special seat in hell.

im just so sick to death of this hole sorry pile of crap that the world is wading through, mindless and directionless it will only end badly.
17 Mar 2006
I would report to the police if a relative was pursuing illegal activities, depending on the crime though. Drug dealing, theft, mugging, car theft, burgling, murder- definietly. Not if he were taking pot for instance.
11 Mar 2004
vaultingSlinky said:
I wholeheartedly agree, but I'm pretty sure they don't need some MP to tell them that in the manner that he did.

john reids a pit bull, he doesnt do diplomacy and i both loath him and admire him for that. but if he has to offend some people to get the message out there that your children are not safe, and your children not being safe means WERE ALL NOT SAFE, then so be it. he is one politician, either listen or do not listen, but dont take offence when an MP is simply trying to advise a vulnerable community in the most blunt and truthful way he can.
2 Nov 2004
Hmmm, todays Islam news tastes just like yesterdays Islam news.

All Reid is doing is trying to create an expectation to tell Muslims that you cant 'get away with it', that you are part of a society under a government. Same message we have all been saying for a long time.

I wonder what Islam news we will have tomorrow...
31 May 2005
Peoples Republik of Teesside
I don't get that he's asking the parents to spy on their kids as much as protect them from extremists and peer pressure. I remember there was a anti yob culture advert "do you know where your child is tonight?" or something like that, same thing.
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