Trickle said:
Yes! We've got him!!
Breaking news - TDS admits that he kills children in daylight and is therefore as bad as the rest of us.
it's no secret matey,i've openly said in here a squillion times that i break the speed limit every day,and by a decent amount not just 4 or 5 mph...that's not what i'm saying.
my point is, and always has been, twofold.
1.when caught,don't whinge like a schoolgirl.unless you're not in full control of your car (in which case you should be banned anyway) then you CHOSE to break said limit AND you knew that by doing so there was a risk of punishment.the "bloody scamera" or "it wasn't my fault" arguments are the war cry of the pseudo-victim and the desperate.
2.regarding higher limits,the VAST majority (and in reality i'm probably talking about 80 or even 90% of drivers) simply do not have the ability,skill and judgement in equal measures to safely assess how fast road A can be's all very well talking about inappropriate speed,but it's the driver himself who decides if it's inappropriate or not.if his judgement is flawed then although he thinks it may be fine and dandy,it quite possibly isn't and it's here where accidents can happen.
in short,go as fast as you can and break any other driving laws you see fit,but when caught or if/when you have an accident that wouldn't have occured or been as serious if you'd been driving at a slower pace,at least have the maturity to put your hands up and admit it was nobodies faul other than your own.
and for the record mr.smartypants i'm not as bad as the rest of you as you put it, although most of the time i behave myself now in the past i've been a lot worse
Nozzer said:
=Perhaps it would be easier to travel at the posted limit the whole time, but where's the fun in that?
at what point does the fun factor magically appear between 70 and 90mph?
do you honestly feel that 90mph on a straight carriageway is noticeably more fun than 70mph on the same road?
the only differences to me is i have to concentrate a little harder and my fuel guage moves in a southerly direction a little quicker than if i'd been going slower.