Was just pulled by the police

robmiller said:
On the way back from Liverpool once, my friend was running out of petrol and we had barely any money between us. The sole reason we made it home was because we slipstreamed a lorry for about 40 miles :cool:

Now that is dangerous, someone like that should not be on the road.
The_Dark_Side said:
one of the reasons i never break the speed limit in the dark.
you can't see exactly who may be behind you.

But the VASCAR that most traffic officers (In Hampshire anyway) carry doesn't work well in the dark...
Enfield said:
Hardly stops them from nicking you does it...

Ever since the day I was stopped I have wondered this, because the officer told me 'you were going 43mph in a 30 zone, but I couldn't get a reading on the VASCAR. If I had done, you would be looking at a £60 fine and 3 points', instead I just got a warning..
laissez-faire said:
But the VASCAR that most traffic officers (In Hampshire anyway) carry doesn't work well in the dark...

If visibility is bad enough to effect VASCAR, you really shouldn't be speeding.

As long as you can pick out two spots on the landscape, you can use VASCAR.
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