I assume you spelling chequer wrong is a little dig too![]()
The tail of Yogi Bear
It was the fall of 1961. Yogi Bear (the series) was right in its prime. Yogi was getting fame and fortune everywhere he turned. Boo Boo was as well getting fame and fortune but not quite to the extent that Yogi was getting.
To fill his spare time Boo Boo had started doing odd things. He begin to do a little Taxidermy, collecting dead animals that he found in and around the sets of the Yogi Bear show. Nothing too odd here I hear you cry.
So back to the fall of '61, after a rather hot day of filming. Yogi and Boo Boo decided to get a nice cold bear in a local bar. Soon after they arrived into the bar Ranger Smith entered the bar. Now as you are all aware the rivalry between Smith and the two bears was not something just shared on screen but in real life too.
Smith downed Whiskey after Whiskey and soon became quite drunk. He then started hurling abuse towards Yogi and Boo Boo. The barman asked Smith to leave and as he was leaving he pulled a knife out. Locals in the bar jumped towards Smith but before they could wrestle him to the ground he managed to cut Yogi. The cut was a little below the waist line and cut off a large part of Yogi's tail.
Yogi was rushed to a nearby medical facility but it was too late the tail had died and could not be reattached to Yogi's body. Boo Boo had an idea. For Yogi's birthday that year he gave Yogi a fully reproduction of his lost tail. Yogi was a little freaked out by the present but knew Boo Boo had good intentions.
They are still best friends to this day and bought a couple of cottages in Jelleystone Park where they spend most summers together. Smith was sentenced to 8 years in county jail for his attack on Yogi but was released after only serving 3 years on good behaviour but was given a permanent restraining order on Yogi and Boo Boo. Nothing has been heard of Smith for a long time, he is presumed to have moved down south to start a new life.
one spelling mistake isn't that bad.
Buggs Bunny & Elma Fudd- the closet and the truth
Buggs Bunny shot to fame in the 50's and rode the tidal wave. Adored by millions, idolised by other cartoon characters for his amazing acting and ability to woo an audience, Buggs held a dark secret, a secret that would eventually destroy his career.
It was all fun and games in the early days but with success came power. Buggs was given a shot as executive director and it wasn't long before other actors started to notice script changes. Increasingly, after out-witting his 'foe', he would give them a big kiss on he lips. Most of the guys accepted this as just harmless fun, until one day in 1972 when Daffy Duck stormed off set, claiming "Buggs used tongues". Of course, the famous rabbit refuted all allegations, but in early 1973, grainy images of a young rabbit, a certain shotgun-wielding farmer, the pools boys and a large amount of white powder in a gay porn flick emerged.
It all started to un-ravel. Why did Buggs kiss everyone, why had he never had a girlfriend and why had he suggested *that* scene with a large ACME rocket being rammed in an intimate area? It turned out Buggs and Elma Fudd had been lovers for many years, disguising their relationship, as best they could. Elma confided his concerns over Buggs' lust for other men in a close friend.
Both Buggs and Fudd struggled but it hit Elma particularly hard. Shortly after being disowned by his family in 1974, Fudd to his own life. Buggs fell into a deep depression, fuelled by drink and drug binges. Work was still around but other actors were increasingly distant, some refusing to work with him at all.
Last seen in 2003, Buggs is reported to live as a recluse on his ranch in Missouri.
Hong Kong Phooey Goes Screwy
Local celebrity Penry Pooch is in police custody on grounds of antisocial behaviour. Police sources cite mania as being the primary cause of this action. Pooch is well known to locals as the janitor of the city police headquarters, his manager Sgt. Flint reports: "I don't know what happened, we had an office move around and decided to throw an old filing cabinet away, we're going paperless you see".... "Penry was on holiday at the time, when he returned he was disgruntled by this and began to rage, he even exposed himself to Rosemary." Sgt. Flint and his police force were finally able to overpower Pooch into one of the cells.
Pooch has been an employee at the police headquarters for 37 years, he is said to have had a troubled past including suffering bipolar disorder since his early teens. Following this recent incident, Pooch faces a court appearance next month on multiple charges of assault, vandalism and sexual harassment. Bail of $70000 was set yesterday however nobody was forthcoming, this has now been withdrawn after further destruction to his cell.
Top Cats met his top dog.
After its original run Top Cat ended in 1962. In 1965 after a long set of negotiation's T.C and the Gang decided to get back together and complete another series. The only downside was that Officer Dibble had to leave the series after only 6 episodes due to a conflict in his timetable with other acting jobs he had.
Dibble was replaced by a new mean Officer named Cartwright, Cartwright was an old fashioned actor and would make the crew re-shoot scene time after time until he thought they were correct. T.C and the rest of the team were fed up of working such long hours. Top Cat eventually brought up the courage to stand upto Cartwright and tell him he was the star and he called the shots.
A swift right hook later left Top Cat knocked down, the brawl that followed was not a pretty sight but it ended up with Cartwright having several broken bones from Top Cat and his friends.
Cartwright sued Top Cat and the rest of the crew for damages Top Cat would not back down, it just wasn't in his nature and lost the case which in total came to twice the original budget for the series. The filming stopped and T.C was downhearted. Funding was not found of the following years and Top Cat now works in a small convenience store earning minimum wage.
Popeye didn’t like his greens either.
Around ten years after Popeye went out of syndication, Popeye had started to enter weight lifting contests, apparently still getting his power from his beloved spinach. Tournament after tournament were won. For several years Popeye seemed to be untouchable, each time he ate his spinach he became apparently the strongest man alive.
Fast forward to the spring of 1983 and the first ever World Strongest Man contest held in Canada. This was also to be the first weight lifting contest that would have random drug tests. Up until now taking body enhancing drugs was only really frowned upon but it would now become an offence which would mean immediate expulsion from the weight lifting scene.
Popeye strolled through the qualifying rounds, each time using his trusty spinach to give him that extra little help that he needed to beat the other competitors. To the finals and just as he was about to take on Bluto in the Atlas Stones contest, one of the drug testers got hold off one of Popeye’s now infamous cans of spinach. He decided to test it. It was off the charts, it consisted of many band products and lots, and I’m talking lots of steroids.
Popeye was banned for life from the Weightlifting scene, shamed forever. He now uses what is left of his money travelling round the world in his little dingy trying to escape the shame bestowed upon him for cheating.