Wasteland ARMA II Mos : Server Details

15 Aug 2011
Wasteland ARMA II Mod : Server Details

Hey guys..

Wasteland is now running on the ARMA II server!

Some say it's better than dayz!!

Server is in my sig!

Wasteland rules apply to all!

Wasteland Description!

Wasteland is a post apocalyptic sandbox that evolved from Dynamic Zombies Sandbox by Craig/bobtom. Wasteland is a game mode that gives players a more PVP feel on the large map Chernarus.
The main objective of Wasteland is to scavenge for supplies, weapons vehicles and defend yourself against other factions. There are three factions in Wasteland (Blufor,Opfor & Indies).
Civilians are given a choice if they want to work as a team with other civilians or go 'rogue' and become a blood thirsty raider leaving no survivors and taking what they want. While Wasteland is TVT focused
there are AI factions called 'Raiders' that spawn at side missions and will roam the wastes searching for targets. These AI are deadly and will kill you in a heart beat!

- Scavenging system: Scavenge for food, water, and guns
- Dynamic Vehicles & Objects to build bases with
- real-time base building capabilities by using R3F Logistics with modifications
- Survival like system: Enables hunger and dehydration
- Gun stores
- Spawn beacons for a mobile spawn for yourself
- Dynamic Environment
- Anti Teleport for cheaters (read notes)

Player Menu: The player menu is a virtual gear menu which can be accessed by using the ~ key next your 1 key on your keyboard or scroll wheel. This menu is very important, if it doesn't pull up then try reconnecting, some users experience issues with this.

Our specific server rules..
OCUK #001 and OCUK #002 Wasteland Server rules (Version 1.0)


Admins: Marker, Melbo, Duckee, Jason, TooTall, Richie and CAI

Donations now open for reserved spots, minimum £5 contribution per month, Paypal payments go to: [email protected]


No hacking/cheating
No spawning additional vehicles/weapons/props
No use of scripts
No use of exploits

Independents cannot team up with Bluefor or Opfor

Strictly no team killing/Wounding (Doesn't apply to Independent)
No stealing from team mates
I.D your target before engaging
No Griefing


Sky bases should be no more than two storeys high.
Please show good etiquette at bases (Blue/Red) Check vehicles do not contain base making equipment before moving them.

Do not go off on your own inside a vehicle that is left in base (without asking over side chat first)

If a base prop is locked do not unlock it and move it unless: The base is being relocated or the prop is obstructing entry for team mates

Do not intentionally kill friendlies with base making equipment

Bases are not your private property, everyone on your team is allowed to use the base that is created.

Gun Stores

No killing at the Gun Store,this includes running people over with vehicles

No stealing at the Gun Store (Weapons, vehicles or weapons left inside vehicles)
No Camping the Gun Store or firing on people exiting/entering the Gun Store


Do not use VOIP when active in global chat.

Do not spam music/abuse down side or direct chat
Strictly no racism or being overly abusive/bullying
Players with offensive player names will be forced to change them


If a friendly clears a mission before you arrive (ie kills all the AI) that mission is capped by them and you should not steal the vehicle/weapon cache.


It is against the rules to purposely give weapons/caches/vehicles to the enemy team
It is against the rules to continually re spawn in order to generate money
It is against the rules to exploit any bugs with the gun shop / general stores
Revenge killing a team mate that tked you previously, is strictly against the rules

Report those breaking the rules to the Admins asap with detailed information so that they can help, do not take matters into your own hands


Q. What am I supposed to do here?
A. See the above description
Q. Where can I get a gun?
A. Weapons found in one of three places, first in ammo caches that randomly spawn around the map, and second, in the gear section of the vehicles, which also randomly spawn around the map. The last place to find a gun would be at the gunshops located throughout the map. You can also find them on dead players whose bodies have not yet been looted.

Q. Is it ok for me to shoot my team mates that are a member of the OpFor or the BluFor, it is seriously frowned to shoot your teammates &will results in kicked or banned It is recommended that if you want to go rogue and lone wolf it, that you join the Indies faction.

Q. Eating and Drinking?
A. This game has a food item that you must stay on top of if you hope to sur You can collect food and water from water barrels, food stands, or dead players bodies. Food and water will randomly spawn around the map. Other items that you can buy are fuel cans for refuelling vehicles, medkits for healing yourself, and toolkits for repairing vehicles. Each of these is a one-time-only use item.

Q. I saw someone breaking a rule, what do I do?
A. Simply go into global chat and attention of one of the admins (Marker, Melbo, Duckee, CAI, Richie, Jason) and let them know who the offender was and what they did and they will be dealt with swiftly.

"Hints & Tips",

At the start of the game, spread out and find supplies before worrying about to establish a meeting or a base, supplies are important and very valuable.
When picking a base location, it is best advised to pick a place that is out of the way and not so obvious such as airports, cities, castles, etc. remember, players randomly spawn in and around towns and could even spawn inside your base should you set it up in a town.
If you spawn in an area with no vehicles or supplies in the immediate area, DO NOT just click re-spawn from the pause, chances are if you search an area of a few hundred meters, you will find something.
Always be on the lookout for night-vision. Two pairs are located in the Large Cache, and there are pairs scattered throughout cars. You can also purchase them from the gun-stores. Night time without them SUCKS, and if you have them, you can conduct stealth raids on enemy bases under the cover of complete darkness.
When you set up a base, never leave your supplies unguarded, one guard will suffice, but it is recommended you have at l2, maybe 3 guards at base at all times.
The helicopter from the side mission spawns with no fuel, so do not make a mad dash for the chopper unless you are armed and to protect it, or have some fuel which can be found in the fuel truck, or in the pallated barrels from the abandoned base.
There are very aggressive AI characters that spawn with most side missions and will protect the mission objectives with deadly fore aware of them.<

Breaking these will result in a kick/ban
No killing within 200 meters of any of the gunshops

No cross factions/information sharing/alliances.
Don't be an asshat or disrespectful
No hacking/spawning things/teleporting around.]

Mods that are able to be used on the server are as follows.

Sound Mods
JSRS 1.5.2

Visual Mods



Links to the latest version of JSRS, or use six updater, not play with six..

First downloaded the full version http://mirror.24th-platoon.de/JSRS/JSRS15MOD-FULL.rar

Then this new update http://mirror.24th-platoon.de/JSRS/J...UPDATE 2.rar

For Blastcore download this one: https://www.dropbox.com/s/oc7qru0igg7vz6r/Blastcore.zip

ARMA II Game Launcher for mods etc!


Link for donations, handled by CAI is : https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=HQ3APDF2G68BC




TS3 Server
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Marker you absolute legend!!! What did you have to do or did Tonic release it to the public? I saw he was on his server last night so thought he might have been testing it.
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Marker you absolute legend!!! What did you have to do or did Tonic release it to the public? I saw he was on his server last night so thought he might have been testing it.

He released it :)

There were loads of files that we're being called that weren't included within the original pbo file...

All sweet now..

Loads of vehicles spawning...:). Ai is a bit vicious...
Love it Marker! It's all i've been playing recently and only last night was i saying to SteveO that we need a UK server up. There was only 2 good ones with Tonic's but it's hosted in America and the .RU but no team work due to the language barrier.

I'll be on later.

According to tonic that will fix it. If it doesn't fix ut melbo, ill leave you to decide wether to restart to see if it fixes it dir everyone.
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