Wasteland ARMA II Mos : Server Details

Barely any bandits but the ones you do find are lethal, cars ALL OVER the place. In cars you'll find weapons although they will not be in every one. There are 4 sides, Blue, Red, Independant and Rogue. You try and work together with the other teams unless Rogue to kill people and do the missions for helicopters, weapon caches etc.

If you lot out though you loose everything as there is no hive, which is better for the PVP as you don't get alt+f4ers and ghosting idiots. You'll see kettles, bags and stashes of money littered around the place. The kettles are water bottles, bags are normally food of some kind and the little bags are money which you can use to buy weapons from the Gun Shop.

You can put cars onto the back of yours and tow them, if you get a heli you can pickup a jeep or something and fly it places. You repair them by finding repair kits and using them and you refuel by pulling up to a fuel station and stopping and it automatically refuels you.

Same password as before.. ip addy and port from my Sig.

Although, pop over to the bih forums and in the user mission forum have a look at the thread to see if anyone else has reported the bug also please.

If not let him know, ill also remove nods later and just have CBA running.

Same password as before.. ip addy and port from my Sig.

Although, pop over to the bih forums and in the user mission forum have a look at the thread to see if anyone else has reported the bug also please.

If not let him know, ill also remove nods later and just have CBA running.

Leave sound mod on! A lot of people are getting kicked due to not having ACR as well.

Oh are we running the latest hotfix version?
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Is the server running the lastest hotfix version? Looking at the missions in RCON it looks like its the old version. Anyway I can log on and upload the new one?

Ignore, seen its running the hotfix. Although the PBO in RCON is "Wasteland_v1d_release.Chernarus.pbo" but the hotfix one is called "Wasteland_v1d_hotfix.Chernarus.pbo"
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Right now I don't have access to the ftp mate and forget the details.

If duckee is around ask him.to check his email as he is a sub user. Sent him.an email. His surname is duckee.

A few hours time I will get it sorted. That was the mission file tonic had posted at em this morning. Sort guys.

Melbo email sent to you mate..
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I just went into the Combined Ops client and went to addons and turned it off, aswell as taking any of the launch commands of on my steam.

Waiting for another hotfix from Tonic, which will fix the player menu, which is really a huge part of the mod!

Without it you cannot eat/drink etc!
lol only a quick round probably 20mins?, drive by shooting between me and dlknight

I died, his vehicle was shot up :D
Really enjoyed the 20 minutes myself and Neil played! - he ambushed me on the way into Cherno so I pulled over and hid behind a big pickup and shot at him after he turned around to follow me :) - video to follow soon !!!
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