Wasteland ARMA II Mos : Server Details

Server #002 is on night time at the moment, seems quite a few people like it!

Maybe change mission time for 2, to around 21:30 summer time, so we have an hour or so of light?

Also, possibly change to veteran?

Night time? Looks like someone has been naughty and changed the time with some scripting. I tried night time a while ago but people who joined the server later on started at the default mission time so it was still daylight for them. :confused:
I think no 3rd person would be a great introduction to server 1. It would stop people 3rd personing around corners or lying down on top of bunkers at their base in 3rd person waiting for you to try and attack. Just takes away from the realism and skill of the game imo. Completely up to the admins of course.
I think no 3rd person would be a great introduction to server 1. It would stop people 3rd personing around corners or lying down on top of bunkers at their base in 3rd person waiting for you to try and attack. Just takes away from the realism and skill of the game imo. Completely up to the admins of course.

Totally agree, 3rd person is abused to the max. Fantastic mode in Patrol ops 2.5. 1st person only unless you are the driver of a vehicle.

If we can re-create the script from that then I would like to think we will have it on our servers.
has this latest release got a memory leak ? I find after a long session after quitting to desktop I cant do anything have to log off or restart to gain functionality back
If 3rd person is turned off i wont play on it at all.. I know its abused and un realistic, but arma to me is a fps rpg, if i wanted fps id play bf3.

Kwei is the only one in tfu who can prefers 1st person, the others all use 3rd person... It aint broke so please please please dont fix it.

Edit... Were also getting some cash together to send your way.
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I like 3rd person because I hated the head bob. Now I have removed the head bob, I don't mind it.

Goon, I don't think ARMA was supposed to be an RPG mate lol. Surely it was meant to be a realistic army sim?

Glad it is not going on server 1, though.
First person is a good habbit to get into. great for CQB hip firing your wep. (PS, turn the damn crosshair off lol!)

With headbob its terrible though. turn that off asap. Makes me sea sick.
From my experience when i had 2 servers running ppl tend to join mostly servers running 3rd person.
I think they see it as a more graphical experience then competetive aspect.
Try it but see if its worthwhile for the general server population.
I like 3rd person because I hated the head bob. Now I have removed the head bob, I don't mind it.

Goon, I don't think ARMA was supposed to be an RPG mate lol. Surely it was meant to be a realistic army sim?

Glad it is not going on server 1, though.

Not going to get all philosophical, but aren't all games role playing?

Ditto, on the third person. I much prefer playing in third person.
As soon as I get this 3rd person in vehicles only script working its going on server 2! Hopefully players who want a more tactical approach to ArmA will join. There is a large player base who want this.
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