Wasteland ARMA II Mos : Server Details

I eat you blufor and opfor guys alive on a daily basis just because someones sits at novvy or starry with an as50 over and over sniping fresh spawns does not = skill.

Just yesterday I took out like 12 of you at the recon mission just north of kamenka before eventually getting shot (by an indie).

Not to mention when I set traps and use the DMR I recall one time I shot like 20 of you trying to get my crate.

I can honestly say the only decent player that seems to play on blufor/opfor is major trooper he is pretty nifty.
Those TDC guys just sit there sniping fresh spawns theres no skill in that what so ever.

Mr Entembaum is the best regular.
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Ok sorry C64 you are obviously god. Can we insert the quake monster kill and dominating sounds for when he gets a kill? Maybe add the godlike one as well for when he reaches 20 without dying.
I eat you blufor and opfor guys alive on a daily basis just because someones sits at novvy or starry with an as50 over and over sniping fresh spawns does not = skill.

Just yesterday I took out like 12 of you at the recon mission just north of kamenka before eventually getting shot (by an indie).

Not to mention when I set traps and use the DMR I recall one time I shot like 20 of you trying to get my crate.

I can honestly say the only decent player that seems to play on blufor/opfor is major trooper he is pretty nifty.
Those TDC guys just sit there sniping fresh spawns theres no skill in that what so ever.

Mr Entembaum is the best regular.

Did you say you do the old weapon crate lure?


how I play wasteland is more like taking part in the missons set up a mini base and attacking other bases.Sitting on a hill sniping people trying to getting into a wep crate or camping a missons is not my style and but hey... each to their own right?
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How would we like the Day/Night cycle to work then guys?

Do want the length of the day and night to be the same or days/night lasting longer than the other?
Be careful with the night time cycle, seen a lot of moaning regarding the RU server because Samatra messed up the night time cycle. Was 1 hour day light > 2 hours Night and it cleared out a bunch of their servers as no-one enjoyed playing in the night.
2 hours day, 1 hour night? or 90 mins day 30 mins night? so long as there are enough NVGs around, which there does seem to be, then night will provide a very different challenge. Stay on foot but inhibit your ability to move to missions quickly. Or jump in a car put the lights on and risk everyone seeing you easily from a mile away.
Just tried for 30 mins straight to get on wow its hard to get on the server today I give up
feels like there's 1000 people trying to get on and only 81 slots :/ meh

haha I never said I was a god at the game I just said opfor and blufor players are normally bad which they are, full of base dwelling noobs doing nothing but being sniper fodder and a waste of a good gun
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Night time is unfair on new joiners soon as you have night time all people do is camp the surrounding areas of gunstores as they know people will be headed there for NV goggles.

It happens on every night server just ends up a gunstore camp fest yes it's against the rules but as we all know people bend the rules they run over at gunstores or camp "just outside" it so technically by 100 meters they arent at the gunstore etc etc

But trust me night time will = boring gunstore camp fest not to mention you can just sit there in any town and kill with ease any new spawns as they cant even see you
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Just tried for 30 mins straight to get on wow its hard to get on the server today I give up
feels like there's 1000 people trying to get on and only 81 slots :/ meh

haha I never said I was a god at the game I just said opfor and blufor players are normally bad which they are, full of base dwelling noobs doing nothing but being sniper fodder and a waste of a good gun

Maybe server 2 will get popular again if what you say is true :D Or you could always donate for reserved access ;)
Looks like you were right cai. Server 2 busiest it's been for absolutely ages...

Hopefully the day night cycle will attract more players.

Guess I am admining server 1 when I get home from work :)
I had played on this server for a number of weeks until recently. Best server around, great admin, teamwork etc. This is where i got most of the footage i used in my videos on the tube.
However the evening I-Bert mentions a page or two back is the entire reason for this post and to be honest, even my forum registration here. (1st post, the post that hurts the most)
Guys, wtf? Not once in literally 100's of hours of play had i been asked/forced to join the ocuk team speak server. I spend all my time in our ventrilo server and if the ocuk server had stipulated this then sure - all good. I could have made a mature decision.]
The evening in question we literally pleaded as civilly as possible for the whereabouts of our base and were immediately and quite aggressively told to get on ts if we wanted to know. (not by an admin though iirc).
So fair enough you guys didn't "force" people to join ts but the implication was suddenly there, right out of the blue.
We tried to make the best of it but as MORE people were asking i admit, immaturity probably got the better of us and we did whinge some. With some childish pokes at the admin etc. Which i am more than man enough to apologize for.
The question is this - Is this what the very respectable Over-clockers want of their admin? Banned in-definitely for a glib comment whilst hackers nuke and admin introduce INS-TA rules at will, banning people with objection.
Sorry for wall of text, that is all.
Maybe i'll kill some of you guys on another server some time.
Cheerio chaps
I had played on this server for a number of weeks until recently. Best server around, great admin, teamwork etc. This is where i got most of the footage i used in my videos on the tube.
However the evening I-Bert mentions a page or two back is the entire reason for this post and to be honest, even my forum registration here. (1st post, the post that hurts the most)
Guys, wtf? Not once in literally 100's of hours of play had i been asked/forced to join the ocuk team speak server. I spend all my time in our ventrilo server and if the ocuk server had stipulated this then sure - all good. I could have made a mature decision.]
The evening in question we literally pleaded as civilly as possible for the whereabouts of our base and were immediately and quite aggressively told to get on ts if we wanted to know. (not by an admin though iirc).
So fair enough you guys didn't "force" people to join ts but the implication was suddenly there, right out of the blue.
We tried to make the best of it but as MORE people were asking i admit, immaturity probably got the better of us and we did whinge some. With some childish pokes at the admin etc. Which i am more than man enough to apologize for.
The question is this - Is this what the very respectable Over-clockers want of their admin? Banned in-definitely for a glib comment whilst hackers nuke and admin introduce INS-TA rules at will, banning people with objection.
Sorry for wall of text, that is all.
Maybe i'll kill some of you guys on another server some time.
Cheerio chaps

I banned you lot after the "circle jerk" and "soggy biscuit" comments if I remember correctly. After listening to what seemed like hours of you whining I had enough.

The whole "TS Team" thing was the first time anything like that has happened, and I am pretty sure all those on TS enjoyed it.

Anyway we absolutely dominated the map. Before the cries of "you had a helictoper" come, I would like to point out that the heli I was flying had no flares and not once did we take any fire higher than from a BMP. Not one stinger to challenge us and put us on the deck :(
As has been stated above.

It isn't a rule that we enforce, the guys who were on ts that night decided they wanted to have good comms with each other since they were actively playing as a huge squad of 17.

Knowing how hard that can be even with good comms I completely understand their reasoning behind it.

Although I wasn't on that night I have been told that anyone was welcome to join the ts channel and join up, as it always is..

It could all have been asily resolved with one night on ts and you guys might have found that you enjoyed playing in the bigger group..
It could have also easily been resolved by just saying "base is here chaps, but please join teamspeak if you can!"
I was banned for saying "gg admin flexing muscles with that last ban".
I think if you have access to the logs you will see i had said pretty much nothing else, and had spent most of my time trying to help the other poor souls in the same boat or even without mic's at all!
You moved the goal posts and i guess i reacted badly. Hey it's your call to move them though as you clearly stated. Harsh to be banned like a stinking hacker for objecting though.
I've got my own brain. An anagram of my own name.
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