Wasteland ARMA II Mos : Server Details

Red it is I say, although I can if I can code in a choice of red or white light!

Also cleaned it up a bit, so you only get the choice of lights on if they are off, and lights off if they are on!
We have a Wasteland Mod server running for testing purposes. You need to download a small client side mod which must be running.

Download Here

Filter for MBS. It's called WastelandChernarus - 1.1Mod - MBS / OcUK Wasteland MOD v1.1
I've been looking into implementing a first aid script for quite some time. Most are designed for single-sided co-op missions. When it comes down to multiple teams in pvp it tends to bug out. I believe the 404 guys are looking into a first aid system in the mod version.
Nearly there!!

Got the respawn working as normal! Had a problem where the script took over and wouldn't allow us to spawn random etc!

Need to find the code and match it with wasteland that knocks you unconscious at a certain health level!
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