Someone do me a favour please..
Jump into the sever if it is creating and start the mission off please..
Someone do me a favour please..
Jump into the sever if it is creating and start the mission off please..
i was devastated when you killed me.
Thats the thing with Arma you have to communicate well as its not the typical casual game.. we usually try and move around in an order.. sounds silly at first but saves a lot of friendly fire happening. Formations people, formations! Doesn't happen as much here in Wasteland.. more convoys but in DayZ we usually had an order. Just remember whos infront of you and whos behind and whos in your car and you're golden. Everyone does this and its not as complicated as it sounds, you only need to remember 2 people at most (front and back)
If you're rolling with a big group, you need to decide where to move and who's going where and then sit it out.. if someone moves they have to announce it or they get dropped.
Wall of Text! .
Ok guys.. suggestions noted..
What I need from people are suggestions of skins that can be used for guerilla, blufor and opfor.