Wasteland ARMA II Mos : Server Details

Bit quiet just now cai, because when the switch went down last week at the data centre it came back up with the wrongs ports open...

As you will see it is showing 2500 as a ping, raised a ticket with support to reopen them and that should sort it out..


Ah right, that will certainly put people off wanting to connect if they see their ping as that.
To be fair though I think it has only been a minority of people it has affected! A lot of people still get fine pings to it, probably down the routing of certain ISPs / regions that was showing the the incorrect response time!
So I have somehow fixed the player names displaying at 100m. Join server 2 to test! It's running a more "Wasteland" version of Wasteland ;)

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I thought it was just because I've had to switch to a 5870 temporarily so I'm more sensitive to FPS drops but since I've been back but it seems the server degrades quite rapidly as far as performance goes.. last night most the time we were getting no more than 30fps with it being around 20 for the majority of the time and that was across a number of different spec'd machines.

I dunno when the server was last rebooted but a reboot fixes it immediately, looks like the corpses of vechs and bodies hang around for ages, I must have counted over 50 dead bodies in Novy alone when I spawned there, none having more than a pistol on. I'm hoping that the server for some reason didnt get its reboot at 5pm like the message says. Is there a cleanup script that you could use to clear destroyed/dead things? Or a much shorter time limit (10mins?) before things disappear just to keep the clutter down.

Was fun none the less, dunno if the LnW guys are on the forum but I'd like my bullets back.. wipe the blood off thanks ;)
New clean up scripts are in the works mate..

Sometimes they work sometimes they don't.

Tbh I really don't notice any lower fps after .a while, I know some do, pretty strange.

And looking at my counter banner, 1 hr after fixing the ping issue the server is virtually full..
Deffo due to the clean up script not working as attended. Once those dead bodies and vehicles keep building the server eventually takes a hammering.
Is there no way for an admin to manually run the cleanup script?

Fps was horrible last night, happened the other day... 20fps then server rebooted and straight to 60+ fps was bad desync that time to, cant remember if there was desync last night... Think there was some but it was ok.. There was a few instances tho where people were complaining about being killed randomly cos they didnt see where the shot come from heh
Actually just sent melbo an idea on the clean up script.

I'm at work just now so he is going to try and incorporate it into the onkilled script.

Will test and see how it works.
I gotta go see The Hobbit mate so I left a pbo on the desktop on the server. It has the new player tag script in but not the clean up script yet. Put it on if ya fancy it. Will be on later tonight.

Have now got the clean up working for dead bodies!

Bodies will disappear after 60 seconds, which should help the server stay stable longer!
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