Wasteland ARMA II Mos : Server Details

Got a problem guys!!

Server is kicking everyone who joins after 5 minutes on the new mission file!!

Will investigate and find out why!

Sorry for delay!
Found the problem!

Looks like it is the script for spawning weapons inside buildings!!

I can remove it for this version and upload when server is quiet!

I'll get it sorted for next version!
Still testing mate!!

Want to make sure 100% that it is working!

Even if I upload a version without thermals would that be ok! Until I can find the problem!
Think my ARMA II install is corrupt!!

Getting stupid errors all over the place with simple lines!!

Back on to it tomorrow guys, head is done in!
Lol mate..

Going to upload a version tonight with no thermals in gun shop or in the ammo caches..

Will also have the call in airstrike script in place for anyone with a las designator..
Good information mate..

As a test I can turn off the teleport script...

And see how the server reacts to that.. As you are probably aware it constantly scans each player and object to see if it has moved more than 3 mtrs in less than a specified time..

This mission tonight, around 8pm if working ok will have it removed..

Appreciate it mate..

The way wasteland is designed as far as I can understand, it does have a few scripts running all the time...

I have been trying to implement any ides on a individual basis... Guess it screwed up one or more of the running scripts.. Will do small updates from now on.
The vehicles and objects are deigned to spawn around a certain area of towns.each town is already named, so they shouldn't be spawning in the debug..

There are other ways to catch scrot users, so won't be a major problem to turn it off.

Plus its not Luke we would be losing dayz tome played. Most of us a re killed regularly.
It's ready!!

This is what I have done!!

Removed 90% of the thermal weapons, will work on the other stuff later!
Added randomly timed jet spawns. 1 at a time!
Changed Scud to Mobile Artillery.
Added more beacon respawns. (I think) :)
Lowered money.
Added back in BTR90 into the random vehicle spawns!
Airstrike is available with a laser designater. Once only then des is removed from player!

If there is anything else I will add to it, will update changelog when I can be bothered! :)
was on last nite and can't believe what you've done to wasteland...giving weapons to start with, removing weapons and vehicles from the game...

Thx but no thx if I wanted a gimped game I'd play cod/bf3. Won't be on again.

My heart is bleeding!! Please come back, please...

That's it lads.. Shut the server down clubo is not coming back!!

Server updated..

Vehicles had spawned before I even got into play.. SO looks like it is running better than before!

Bugs, mistakes etc.. Please post here!

Might have to make one small change later today! Will be able to tell from you lot!

A few little bugs that need to be sorted!

Working on it just now!

Thanks to toejam, jos and penguin!

Few hours probably!

So fixed!
Money on respawn.
Jet mission markers.
Removed thermal M249 from cars.
Think I have fixed AI is enemy to all..
Dingo CZ removed. Has thermal!
L85 Susat added to gun store!
Some weapons will spawn at NW airfield inside Buildings!
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Going to rewrite missions tomorrow morning!

Hopefully will spawn more.
I have fixed the indie not being able to ride in cars together!
Fixed for definite the jet markers not disappearing.
Thermals, we will have to cope just now. Until I write a script to check and delete each one, even if it gets into the players hands then deleted..
Going to change the armour at the NW airfield, so each faction gets a separate enemy!

Hopefully by 2ish tomorrow all will be done!
Cheers for the info mate!

Found a mistake with the mission selection script! Hopefully that's it fixed!

Seriously? Will check that, in meantime, I'll increase server distance to 3000 as standard!
Changed the view distance to 1500, 2500 and 3500.. Max for server is 3500..

All works locally for me...

It's not a casse of trawling for the code mte, it's trying to put the right code in amongst Tonic's so it doesn't screw up!! Which I have done on a few occasions now :)

T810A_MG_ACR, is now excluded which I am sure is the Czech truck with thermal machine gun!

Added in some static defence items!

Removed the L85 from the shop until I can figure out why it isn't being moved to the ammobox..

And with that I am off to bed!!

Will change armour at NW tomorrow morning and then update mission file for you guys to test!
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Oh my good lord...

It's excluded and also blacklisted..

Must be a different version that I can't see..

I'll get on that as soon as possible.

One thing. I never had time to do the nw.airfield completely, so will.work.on that paett as soon as I can.
Missions should be working ok now.
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