Watchmen Tv series (2019)

21 Oct 2011
It's Damon Lindelof, so make of that what you will.

Damn shame.
Maybe he’ll come good when he starts a piece himself.
I am not remotely invested the background having only seen, and enjoyed, the film.
Not holding much hope with that -edit incoherent,wasted,gibberish- writing.
He has ruined so much.
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I'm in a rare minority in that I loved the graphic novel, it was a main staple I read over and over in my teens then I went on and also loved the movie adaption, apparently that's not allowed ;)

No high hopes for the series though, especially with the casting that's been teased already.
Is it me or is this new "adaptation" seem a bit steeped in identity politics?

I know the original novel had undertones of politics with the main characters representing the different political ideologies but this version seems a bit #blacklivesmatter. Production values look excellent though and usual HBO standard, will definitely be watching.
Really? Not sure how you got that from the trailer :confused:

I think it looks great. Question is, how do I sell it to my girlfriend so I can actually watch it :p

I take that back this is a different trailer to the one I had seen and this has framed it quite differently. Did your girlfriend like GOT? Definitely going to read the book again before this starts.
There's a few interesting little titbits in the trailer on second viewing. Confirms this to be a sequel to the graphic novel rather than the movie (although I'm sure that's probably been talked about already).
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