Watchmen Tv series (2019)

It's incredibly slow and everything is out of sync. But that would appear to be the point as the pace picks up and stories start connecting, it should be better and the context is inversely understood, i'm sure a lot of people don't enjoy that though, which is a shame, but expected.

Hopefully i'm right and it clears up, as the production value is pretty high.
Definitely a lot more links to the graphic novel/movie in episode 2.

Lots of weird **** going on, I'm liking it. Very mysterious.

So her step kids, are her former partners kids, I guess?

Edit - I didn't realise Jeremy Irons was playing Adrian Veidt!
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My wife has never seen the movie, so I'm going to watch that with her so it makes (a bit) more sense for her.

She's no idea what they are referring to when they say "They were wearing Rorschach masks", or why an old man was putting on a play with a naked blue man.
My wife has never seen the movie, so I'm going to watch that with her so it makes (a bit) more sense for her.

She's no idea what they are referring to when they say "They were wearing Rorschach masks", or why an old man was putting on a play with a naked blue man.
Tbh Im not sure who the old man is (although I'm fairly sure he's crazy). Is it set in the 90s as nobody has phones and they have pagers. Also what's with the raining squid, I looked at the film (which I didn't realise was a decade old:eek:) but couldn't see anything about it.
I wonder if it follows the movie version but with lots of homages to the original comic (where it was a giant interdimensional squid that attacked, not blue bomb things made to look it was Dr Manhattan) or the other way around?

I'm kinda liking it so far - but then I really enjoyed the first two seasons of the Leftovers (still can't decide on the third). Great acting, music but with a wtf plot. Thus far.
Episode 3 was an ok episode. It has some very good acting and I love some of the characters. Its all presented very well. It was just a bit meh and not much happened again. I think those of you waiting to binge it all over a weekend in a few months will enjoy it more.
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