Watercooled Haswell build in a 650D

I am using some UV green braid from Cable modders. it was about 3 quid for 5 meters of the stuff from Ebay! It is amazing quality for how little it costs!

Blocks came today, the dog tackled the post man and he dropped the box! They are all fine thankfully!
Hmmm last time I used the cable Modders stuff it wasn't much cop! I might order another load to check out the quality of it, they might have changed it or something!
I have used it for all the cables and its has been great! I spent between £30-40 to braid all the cables. The only cables which were a pain in the ass were the Sata data cables. Really difficult to get the braid over the connectors...
Yeh the best sata cables to braid are the akasa super slim ones, you can take the connectors off the ends wit a decent craft knife, cut the cables down to size, braid them, then put the connector back on ;)
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That would have been nice. All be it, my cables only just reach...

I cut some of the psu cables down a bit because of how stupidly long some of them were.

I bought a dual card, triple bridge for the cards. Hope it's wide enough to bridge the gap!
This case is awesome! I was a bit sad when I saw the new 750D and wouldn't have to cut into the case but I think that in general the 650D looks better.

All the parts turned up today! They all look great! The only thing that I am disappointed in was the Dual bay res has those silly circles on it...

Also! I won some money with my premium bonds! Giving me enough money to get a graphics card! WOOOOOOO
This case is awesome! I was a bit sad when I saw the new 750D and wouldn't have to cut into the case but I think that in general the 650D looks better.

All the parts turned up today! They all look great! The only thing that I am disappointed in was the Dual bay res has those silly circles on it...

Also! I won some money with my premium bonds! Giving me enough money to get a graphics card! WOOOOOOO
good s***! I was super sad when I saw the 750D. I prefer the window on it and it is all ready for rads!
I <3 prime! I bought my graphics cards earlier at about 2 and they will be here at 10am tomorrow!

I am going to put them in SLI tomorrow and start a few tests. Next week I will make the cuts into the case and then the following weekend I will build the loop.
Just two images here! But the setup is working in SLI! Going to get a few more screens to run off these cards now too! Thankfully my dad was up this morning on the Ninja delivery man would have gotten away...

Nvidia GTX 770's by Mat Teague, on Flickr

I have also got a black SLI bridge on its way. I dont understand why they dont just make them all black in the first place. I also did an eye test for the EK-FC bridge and it looks like it will fit quite easily. Cant wait to watercool these now!

Nvidia GTX 770's by Mat Teague, on Flickr
Looking good mate :D I know exactly what you means about the Sli Bridges, Why they insist on having them that orange/copper colour I'll never know :(
I bought a black one which should be here tomorrow. Its from the bay... also made by Asus... The back plates for the cards turn up tomorrow!

I was worried earlier that the power supply might not be able to cope with this amount of strain... I used a few PSU calculators and a few said my PSU wouldn't be enough! Very happy it does work!
Just ran the Heaven benchmark and got a 100% increase in FPS over just running one 770! WOOOOOO

The cards capped out at 80 degrees, but well happy with the result! This means that when I run it again when the water cooler is on there I should... In theory get an even better result because of GPU boost 2.0!
Here is two benchmarks I did. One was a short time ago (right) when I was running a single GPU and now when I am running two (left). I have to say, the two GPUs are scaling very well!

Also, to point out... I am a photographer. So when I am finished modding there will be some lovelly photos and hopefully a few videos of the system!

Benchmarks by Mat Teague, on Flickr

Just press the picture for a larger version :)
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Nice job! Very jelly even though I'm on a 690 :p I want to put my 650d undernwater!!!! But I need to ungraded my mobo at least and CPU first :( need a solid 500 quid which I won't be getting anytime soon as I'm a student!!
The 690 is such a nice card! Watercooling your system can be done fairly cheaply. I have however picked quite a few more expensive products so that I can get a slightly sleaker look.

I have just finished being a student, Got out just before the new fees were introduced!
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