was you able to mount the rads though, did they fit, was looking at the 120mm, may go down that route but still looking at what rads to get yet, i know the top one will be a alphacool, but thats as far as ive got yet, plus the Ek fittings.

I think this looks amazing, makes me want to WC my S2. How do you find the Aerocool fans? I've been thinking about getting some for my case, but the price is putting me off.
I know they are quiet and recommended as a replacement for the H60/90, but what's your first hand experience?
was you able to mount the rads though, did they fit, was looking at the 120mm, may go down that route but still looking at what rads to get yet, i know the top one will be a alphacool, but thats as far as ive got yet, plus the Ek fittings.![]()
I was able to mount the standard gts stealth 240mm rad in the front but the x-flow wouldn't fit due to the clearance at the bottom of the case. If you do get the 120mm rads get the ones that have the screw holes near the edge of the rad. The gts stealth 120's don't fit side by side. You need either the GTS lite or GTX lite 120's
i wonder if alphacool xt45's would fit as they have top ports aswell so could use them, how long is the parvum extended and can you fit 80mm fans in the rear as i see you have none.![]()
I've just had a quick look at an XT45 and it looks like it should fit (obviously with the ports at the top though). Don't quote me on that though as I don't know for certain.
Just made a quick measurement for you. End to end (external) is 486mm. Internal is 465mm.
80mm fans will fit easily. I'm just going to see how temps are before I look at installing any
I might have to ask themWill have to be custom though as my side window is longer
oh ok, i was hoping only being 124mm wide it may fit, maybe its dremmel time again, and just drill 4 x slots 5 mm long for it to fit, what ones you got the ones in the parts list.Ahh, the 120mm version. I'm not sure whether it would fit by looking at it. The screw holes don't look as close to the edge as they do on the GTS lite or GTX lite radiators, and mine only just fitted.
oh ok, i was hoping only being 124mm wide it may fit, maybe its dremmel time again, and just drill 4 x slots 5 mm long for it to fit, what ones you got the ones in the parts list.
I've got the GTS lite 120's. They are 30mm thick and 30 FPI. The GTX lite 120's also fit but are about 40mm thick but have a lower FPI of about 20
How do you find the cooling of the Aerocool DS fans?? I'm interested in getting some!
looks good now its finished,tinted window would look good on that, what sort of temps are you getting.![]()