

8 Aug 2007
Hi Guys

Been having a think recently about some activities we can offer in our shop at OcUK HQ and what I would like to do is offer a Watercooling workshop every few months. Sort of like a mini forum meet but with an aim to provide our customers not just with the hardware range to buy but also practical instruction and advice on how to install it.

Ideally, this is to attract newcomers but everyone would be welcome.

The premise would be that we make a forum thread every few months, with a Saturday date so that more people are available, I would try to arrange it around a month in advance.

Users sign up via an official forum thread in the latest news and deals section for an AM or PM slot with a view to 10-15 people attending each session.

The session would be ran in a format designed to get everyone up to the same knowledge level and then progress from there.

- A simple introduction to watercooling.
- examples of watercooling designs and how to design a basic loop
- what sort of hardware to buy and how to decide what you need
- installation demonstration
- filling techniques
- draining a loop and general maintenance.
- Q&A session at the end.

This would last around 2 hours and be something I would be offering in my own time, free of charge.

We could also offer a more advanced session for things like graphics card cooling or advanced cooling solutions if there was a demand for it.

Really, I am looking for feedback from you guys to see if it is something that people would want us to offer. If it sees a lot of popularity, then we can of course increase the frequency of how often it happens.

comments and suggestions are more than welcome :)

Yeah this would be something I'd be interested in, would love to learn how to properly install a watercooling loop so that I can possibly get my graphics cards under water along with my CPU which is currently water cooled :)

I reckon it could be really helpful and would make a lot of people (me included) more confident to go down the watercooling route for future builds.
I would definitely be up for something like this.....................if I were closer to your HQ :mad:
Would you consider offering something like this at Insomnia? I know it'd be easier at HQ, with your full stock at hand, but there will be quite a few people with their rigs there anyway.
Would you consider offering something like this at Insomnia? I know it'd be easier at HQ, with your full stock at hand, but there will be quite a few people with their rigs there anyway.

It is something we could consider, the only problem I can foresee at an event like that is that I usually start losing my voice after day 2 trying to communicate with customers standing next to me so we would need a PA system and a large stand, so perhaps at summer lan.

I think it would be important to get the format right first with small groups in the shop and get me used to presenting again.
N-u-Lyme is a fair trek for me but I would definitely go to one. A proper wc loop has been on my PC bucket list for a while but this would hopefully give me the confidence to do it finally!
I'd be up for it but you are quite a distance from me. How about streaming it? (Sorry if already mentioned)

N-u-Lyme is a fair trek for me but I would definitely go to one. A proper wc loop has been on my PC bucket list for a while but this would hopefully give me the confidence to do it finally!

It is something we could consider, the only problem I can foresee at an event like that is that I usually start losing my voice after day 2 trying to communicate with customers standing next to me so we would need a PA system and a large stand, so perhaps at summer lan.

I think it would be important to get the format right first with small groups in the shop and get me used to presenting again.

Summer lan but not soon? Ok, I look forward to i55. :)
It's a great idea but for those that can't make it produce a series of videos or video the event (it could even be live). :)
I'd definitely be keen on this. It's a bit of a trek from London, but I'd make the trip up depending on the dates.
I would be 100% be up for this!

Would we also be able to video record it for our new Youtube channel? all credits would go to Overclockers ofc on discussions with yourselves, free advertisement.

We are just 20min down the road so good location for us :P
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