
23 May 2004
im thinking its time to take the plunge ( lol ) into watercooling.

im a complete noob so ive read around for hint tips etc.
however, theres only so much reading you can do, now its time to take action.
rather than stress about what parts to get, im hoping someone can tell me if its worth getting the watercooling kits supplied by ocuk ?.

also , as its my first time, would i be better going just for the cpu cooling or cpu/gpu?.

my specs are:

corsair 800D case
i7 920 D0 o/c 3.8 ( cooled atm via H50 )
Asus AEH 5870 (standard clocks , standard cooling )
7X apache black fans connected to a neotec fanmax controller
6gb patriot ram
120gb SSD
1xdvd writer
1xblu ray reader
well, so far if i was to buy separates, i would go for this
(please advise if you think theres a better solution, im not too worried about cost )
also, ive noticed both the kits and separates on the ocUK site dont carry coolers for the Asus AEH 5870 series card ( unless the 5850 blocks fit it?)
so ive left it out for now, until im advised.


or should i get this:
^ there is no way you need a triple rad for just a CPU, heck even a double rad can handle a overclocked GTX 480 with ease and that output about double the heat energy compared to a 4GHz i7 920

also never use coolant, use distilled water plus PT nuke or a silver coil instead

thirdly don't use driver bay reservoirs, they are probably the worst idea when it comes to water cooling, use a MCRES instead

finally don't use plastic clips, use proper jubilee clips or those metal koolance ones

rjkoneill qoutes: "in fairness you could do your 5870 and 920 of a good triple radiator in that 800d case" .. so i was just going with what he recomended.

as ive already said, im not going with just the cpu, i want gpu too.. i just havent included it on the list as ocUK doesnt stock one for the 5870 ( unless ive missed it :confused: )

advise taken on the distilled water and pt nuke, same goes for jubilee clips ( but i quite like those koolance ones ) ;)

MCRES ? .. could you give me a little more insight into these please ?

thanks for the input everone, its really helping :)
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ok thanks for confirming my choices rjkoneill , seems i might just be a little bit better than "water- noob" after all :p

one thing that does concern me, the Asus EAH 5870.. its this one purchased from ocUK a few months ago

i need to know if this is a reference card or a v2 .. it seems theres a difference for the type of block to buy.
couldnt see any blocks on ocUk for this card so will need to order direct from ek

Go for the 360 rad, even if you do not cool your gpu at this point, its there when you decide too. I use the xscp dual 750 re/pump combo, can't fault it.

I use Akasa Viper fans can't vault them at all, my rad is mounted on the rear of the case externaly even at 1700rpm, l can just hear them and my case is right next to me, get a PWM splitter cable for your rad fans + l used compression fittings.

nice advice thanks :)
glad to hear from someone who is using the xscp dual 750 re/pump combo,its now firmly on my list.
i recently fitted a load of apache blacks,they are connected to a controller.. i was hoping i could use these ?.
good news about the rad, i was wondering if it was too much to just control the cpu, but youve cleared that up for me .
as ive got the corsair 800D, i take it i should be fine with this inside the top of the case without modding ?.
seems the pump/res i was after is out of stock atm
however ive managed to source this:


• G1/4" threads
• High quality acrylic
• Removable brushed aluminium faceplates
• Brass screw threads
• Low noise, low vibration
• Pump performance: 750 lph
• Delivery head: 1.8m
• Voltage: 12V (4pin)
• Dimensions: 149 x 100 x 85mm (WxDxH)
• Two 5mm LED holes
• Individually pressure tested
• Fits in Two (2) 5 1/4 Drive Bay
• Easy to Install/Refill and Bleed

• Supplied with black and silver faceplates, screws, allen key, and a blue LED

i hope this one will be ok, i cant see much difference from the one ocUK supply ?
thats the same one mate
watercooling hardware is a bit all over the place because of supply and demand at the moment. we are expecting all of our backorders to turn up next week :)

thats good, was hoping to get them in person from ocUK.

..incidently, any idea if theres gonna be any blocks for the 5870 (reference)
if so, whats the best to go for ?
ok so most of the parts are ordered, so no turning back now :D

...just need to order the rad , but could anyone confirm that this will deffo fit in my corsair D800 without having to mod the case ?


it will have 3 apache blacks connected to it for now, just hoping there is enough clearance for the board and it will bolt onto the inside top of the case using the screw holes that are already there ?
Yep it has 15mm spacing so will fit the in the 800D roof without modding. There will be plenty of clearance for the board. You could also do push/pull and still have enough clearance to the mobo in that case.

sweet , cheers for the info.

...i will of course be posting pics once the build is done, sort of a little payback for all the advise ive recieved ;)
mmmm .. seems the barbs i had originally choosen are now out of stock :(

...was thinking of using these instead:


am i right in thinking that the above are pretty much the same thing as these, but just a little more expensive, and not as stubby ?


hoping they will be ok to use as it means i can pick them up at the same time as getting the rad.
Yeah they're just a tad longer than the stubby variety. I'm not a fan of the EK barbs as the tubing can come off those easier than some others. However if you secure them with cable ties you should be fine.

mmm dont fancy the idea that they are easier to slip off, cables ties or not :eek:
i think i will hold out and wait for those stubbies.

i was gonna use jubilee clips tbh, ok not very fashionable, but im hoping everything will stay on .... or am i being tooooooo carefull ?
Plastic cable ties are just as effective and a fraction of the price of jubilee clamps which are rather ugly too. Alternativly, use compression fittings for peace of mind.

oh i see, i didnt realise compression fittings would be the safest bet.
i thought that was more down to looks.
ive read around, and know i dont need to be getting stuff with too much of an angle on them, but thats about it .. any suggestions ?
WORD OF WARNING ... DOn't order full cover GPU blocks

not until your GPUs arrive

I just bought three of the ASUS EAH5870 and they don't make the rev 1.0 any more they ship V2 without telling you

EK have just this week designed and finished a specific full cover 5870 V2 block for the ASUS ..

Hope I caught you in time

Click the link in my sig to my worklog .... we hame some common elements .. have fun in the 800D !

hey thanks for the warning, however i got my gpu from ocUK a few months back, and its a confirmed v1.
....gonna check out your worklog now ;)

EDIT: ermm cant see your worklog link in your sig mate :confused:
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yes it does look like the pic i posted, although mine didnt come with dirt 2.

theres no mention of V2 on the box anywhere.

the main difference i see between your pic and mine is where yours says windows 7 ready, mine has the HDMI logo.

heres a part number if it helps:

also this number may help too:

EDIT: just looked at yourr worklog,very very nice !!
... i can see what you mean regarding your gpus , they have the distintive red banding at the side that instantly tells me they are v2
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Cool .. just trying to save you some time and pain :D

Thanks for the kind words, it's been a fun build .. more work to do tho.

how long till you have everything ready now ?

hehe no problem, as its my first attempt at water cooling, im glad for all the help i can get.

status so far is;

rad, cpu block, gpu block , pump/res , tubing , and barbs are here :D
(gonna use my apache blacks through my fan controller)

having a problem getting distilled water locally ( seems everyone only stocks de-ironised :( )
also, cant make my mind up regarding using cable ties or jubilee clips, most peeps seem to use cable ties as there just as effective it seems.
other than that, gotta get some pt-nuke.

ive got a spare psu so im hoping to build outside the pc and run a 2 day leak test.
hopefully if this goes well, if ive measured right, im hoping to transfer it builtup into the 800D.

course im always open to more advise should anyone feel the need... and big thanks to those who have helped so far !
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..... mmmm forgot the mx-3 :(

however ive got a tube of mx-2 that came with the gpu block, should i use that ?

if not, i might need to go back to ocUk on monday for some coolant if i cant find anywhere around here that stocks distilled water, so if its better to use mx-3 , i could pick some up then.
nice .. Halfords is only 10 mins from my house, so im off out shopping as soon as ive finished my coffee :D.
..so long as i can run a leak test without using nuke or silver coil for 48 hours , i should be able to start today.

OCD -OC thanks for the advise mate, will hopefully start getting pics up soon , as our builds are gonna be similar, please throw me your email addy to perry0801064 (at) hotmail (dot) com , i could do with you onboard should i get stuck midway, i gotta spare lappy to communicate ;)

thanks for the input jokester, nice to get loads of opinions regarding use of the de-ionised.
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