WB (DC) WB meging with Paramount ?

12 Oct 2006
In case you haven't noticed WB has a new President and heads are rolling and films are getting chopped.

David Zaslav has sacked a few employees, caned the new Batgirl film and Supergirl is said to be next but not sure if it's been confirmed.

Batgirl was finished, Cost 70million and now won't see the light of day.

It probably no worse than Birds of Prey or Wonder Woman 84 so I'm surprised they haven't tried to recoup some money.

Is this a case of damage limitations to the DC brand?
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He's going after CNN also.

Stated it about time there's a News broadcaster that's sits in the middle.

Just had another peek on twitter searching David Zaslav.

Best insults so far

Trumper, Racist and the Devil
Eh, I could have sworn he was already the one that killed CNN+ or whatever its online failure was.
Yup. He was interviewed a month or two ago complaining about news outlets in the state's being too far left or right and his plan was to have CNN in the middle.

Found it
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Can't help but have the Wrecking ball song in my head.

Still getting finished but I belive they are trying to flog it to other networks until the funding runs out.

Staff must laterally crap them self's when David Zaslav walks into the room.

Hopefully Talent will raise instead of someone political or social beliefs or jobs for the boys/girls.

(Before the two sides start he has gone o the record and stated that Diversity does matter but not before Talent)
He been labeled a trump support more than once. Since the news broke months ago.

You can turn around your reply to nearly every bit of Outrage from companies such as Disney, Amazon and the access media when they are defending their product.

You telling me Hollywood blacklisting doesn't happen?
Hah some crazy stuff happening.

Heard the directors tried to steal a copy of the Batgirl film and now WB had to remove it from their Server.

If this is going down as Tax right off it can't have a come back like the synder cut. Has to be destroyed or vaulted.
I would guess that this is a simple misunderstanding, and an attempt at an actual "theft" isn't being accurately reported, but I would agree with you - if your role at a company ends, your credentials are usually revoked to prevent any further access and my guess would be that, as soon as the decision to stop any more work on Batgirl was made, everyone involved who initially had access to "the server" all had their login's revoked.

However the "it was done to prevent theft" storyline is one which adds a little mystery - maybe it stemmed from someone overhearing a chat between folks effectively saying "this is crap, we spent ages on this, sod it should just take the film, it's ours" as they were blowing off steam etc rather than as a genuine threat to steal it.
I believe the Directors already stated they tried to get a bootleg copy on their phones.

Oh wow, they just openly admitted that they tried to steal it using their mobile phones!!!! How on earth do they expect to work in Hollywood again, how would any Studio ever trust them once they said that - I am genuinely amazed :eek:
It's Hollywood. They probably end up getting more gigs.

From my understanding everyone got paid even outsourced companies.

When Scooby done was cancelled they still paid the orchestra to finish the score before locking it down.

WB is only going to release 2 films for the rest of the year.

Black Adam and some chick flick.
the "chick flick" is Don't Worry Darling and given the latest revelations about the director's behaviours and claims i wouldn't be surprised if that falls before the last fence too.
Oo the Oilva Wilde crap storm. Hah Hollywood is a complete swamp with adult pretenders and hypocrites.
I would be surprised if any of it is from the actual film. I thought I read somewhere it was all deleted and even the directors didn't have a chance to copy it.

I don't really watch the DC TV shows (apart from the original Smallville!) But I imagine the scenes are from various CW shows and dialogue maybe dubbed in somehow.

Locked up in a secured vault. There was enough of the film to have test screenings
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