WDs Latest "Black" Drives are coming to OcUK and are VERY Fast!

I count myself lucky getting my 2TB drives for my NAS at antediluvian prices. I do not understand why the prices has not dropped anywhere near pre September 2011.
They arent as bad as they used to be to be honest. Still not uber quite but the od bit of clicky clicky liek you get with a standard drive from any brand. :)
I ordered my Caviar Black just before the floods hit (pure fluke). In some situations it actually out performs my SSD. It's a brilliant drive and I'm very glad I bought it :-)
It's gone from 3 to 5 years with this new generation of models.

Not true, the Caviar Blacks like the Raptors have always come with 5 year warranty's! Well my older SATA2 1Tb WD1001FALS Caviar Black certainly came with 5 years warranty as that was what I used to justify the extra cost at the time of purchase.

Reds come with 3 year warranty's but they are a new product/range that's only just come out.

I ordered my Caviar Black just before the floods hit (pure fluke). In some situations it actually out performs my SSD. It's a brilliant drive and I'm very glad I bought it :-)

You must have a lame SSD! :p ;) JK
I ordered my Caviar Black just before the floods hit (pure fluke). In some situations it actually out performs my SSD. It's a brilliant drive and I'm very glad I bought it :-)

You must have a lame SSD!

To be fair these are very quick. I used to have a WD Black for just my OS and applications and it'd easily boot from cold into Windows in about 25 seconds where as my SSD on SATA II was only a little quicker. If well maintained and defragged they're still very capable OS drives.
To be fair these are very quick. I used to have a WD Black for just my OS and applications and it'd easily boot from cold into Windows in about 25 seconds where as my SSD on SATA II was only a little quicker. If well maintained and defragged they're still very capable OS drives.

25 seconds :eek: that's a lot better than I manage, although in fairness a lot of that is the bios screens.

still, if you can't be bothered about an ssd then I doubt you'd get better
Don't get me wrong they are the kings of 7.2k Hdds for speed no doubt, but when you are use too 10k Raptors, 15k U320 SCSI and Sammy 840 Pro SSD's they seem a bit of a slow coach tbh :p :D
So whats the difference between the 2TB caviar Black I bought 3 months ago and this "New" 2 TB Caviar Black ?

2TB: 138MB/s -> 164MB/s

As for reliability, the new models include Corruption Protection Technology to protect your data in the event of power loss. There’s also Vibration Control Technology to protect the discs from vibration when spinning, therefore increasing performance and reliability. The 2TB and 4TB drives also include StableTrac, which constantly monitors and stabilizes the platters when in use.

Source: http://www.geek.com/chips/western-d...p-to-48-percent-faster-more-reliable-1573940/
I have four year old Black and my new blue seems equally as fast, so I'm guessing these would be a nice bump. Progress :)
Can't see any benches or further info on the 1TB drive? How would it compare to a Barracuda or an old Black of same capacity?
sorry but whats the difference between the old and new models?

i bought a 1tb black WD about 2 weeks ago.... just wondering which i actually have.... old or new model

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