Web Designer Hire

7 May 2016
Hi guys, I am wondering if there is somewhere I can hire a person online to help my son with his website for college? He lost his mother recently and he has been falling behind with his work. The college have given him some extra time, but I kind of told him I would help him to make him feel better about things and the truth is, although I have tried to help him with it, I just don't know enough about any of it. I left school over 25 years ago and I haven't a clue. Rather than search online straight away to find some help, I thought I would see if any of you guys could point me in the right direction for him. The website is partly done but he said theres some stuff to do with the server side that I just can't understand.

Cheers, hope someone can point me in the right direction, I feel awful not being able to help him.
Is this BTEC or A-level stuff? To be quite frank if it's BTEC you can submit any old tat and it will be fine as long it looks presentable.
He is doing a degree I think phil. The presentation of it, isn't too bad, the things like viewing customer orders, stock details, search and delete i think he couldn't do things such as those. He was designing a computer hardware website and it looks good for his first effort, just wish I could help him with it now. I feel terrible not being able to help him, he has been a different lad since his mother passed away.
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My GCSE teacher was particularly vile, he made us do the whole website on Notepad.... If you used dreamweaver he wouldn't give you more than a C.
My GCSE teacher was particularly vile, he made us do the whole website on Notepad.... If you used dreamweaver he wouldn't give you more than a C.


Sorry for your loss. What server side technologies is he supposed to be using
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Wait, so you want to hire someone so your son can cheat on his assignment?

I'm in yr 3 of a web design and development degree. If I handed something in that wasn't my own work I'd get hauled over the coals for it - suspension from the course would be a very real risk. Do you want your son to be kicked off his degree?

As previously said, get him to post in the html section and I'll gladly assist - but it has to be his own work, don't get someone to do it for him.
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A basic looking website will do just get a template and rip the copyright out of it if there is any. As long as your son can explain what the code means he will pass no problem at all.

Depends on the assignment brief. I've had briefs where templates were specifically barred.
Wait, so you want to hire someone so your son can cheat on his assignment?

I'm in yr 3 of a web design and development degree. If I handed something in that wasn't my own work I'd get hauled over the coals for it - suspension from the course would be a very real risk. Do you want your son to be kicked off his degree?

As previously said, get him to post in the html section and I'll gladly assist - but it has to be his own work, don't get someone to do it for him.

I wouldn't call it cheating no, not in this case. I have spoken to his tutor about the situation and she has said, aslong as the work is finished off it's fine. Like I said its only some dynamics that are left that he hasn't done. He has had to take time off since his mother passed away and he is suffering from that now with being unable to get it done in time.
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If you phrase a very specific question at StackOverflow.com, you will get help, but don't ask general questions.

Otherwise, these other web design forums will help you, and you can ask more general questions on them.

If you want paid help, then look at freelance sites.


Also, see if there is a local programming meetup group, where you could ask for help.
If you could contact me with details of the assignment and the timescale I would be happy to help with some free tutoring if the project is within my skill set.
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Thank you for all the advice guys, I have replied to a couple of you, I am not able to trust you bscott mate.
Basically what is left to do is

-Add Update/Modify/Delete records for admin, add search, encrypted password and a few small things. So there isn't a lot, but I really have no clue.
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My GCSE teacher was particularly vile, he made us do the whole website on Notepad.... If you used dreamweaver he wouldn't give you more than a C.

Quite right. It's the equivalent of using a calculator when they're trying to test if you can add up. (A big clunky calculator). An understanding of HTML and CSS is important if the subject is web design. It's no good just drawing boxes in Dreamweaver unless the subject of the course is learning Dreamweaver.

Notepad is stupid though. I use Notepad++ or Visual Studio or Visual Studio code. Probably there wasn't an actual restriction to use Notepad. I mean what if you were on a Mac or a GNU/Linux box? And how would he tell anyway unless he was standing over you the entire time?
Still looking for someone who thinks they would be able to help, if anyone thinks they could please trust me and I will get back to you guys. Meanwhile I am trying to learn it for him.
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