Web Designer Hire

Quite right. It's the equivalent of using a calculator when they're trying to test if you can add up. (A big clunky calculator). An understanding of HTML and CSS is important if the subject is web design. It's no good just drawing boxes in Dreamweaver unless the subject of the course is learning Dreamweaver.

Notepad is stupid though. I use Notepad++ or Visual Studio or Visual Studio code. Probably there wasn't an actual restriction to use Notepad. I mean what if you were on a Mac or a GNU/Linux box? And how would he tell anyway unless he was standing over you the entire time?

I was thinking pretty much this :p. I migrated to VS code for pure frontend when it came out. Before that, I was using Notepad++. Visual Studio or a JetBrains IDE if I am working with backend stuff too e.g. databases, template rendering.
Has he tried just Googling it? If so what specific problems is he having?

The things you listed all crop up extremely often. Searching "php database update" lists pages and pages of step by step tutorials and documentation explaining how it works. Surely there is some course material too where they've covered these topics?

I understand it's a terrible situation, but I don't agree that simply getting someone else to do the work for him is the best option.
If he is at university or college, has he tried getting a message out there asking for final years or masters student who would be able to help for some beer money?
There's quite a few issues with your site that you might want to fix. Carousel broken on Safari iOS, dead links and typos.

Thanks for the heads up :-) I think I've caught most of them - can you point out any I've missed?

Carousel working fine here on Safari iOS - your device/software version?
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