Wedding the other weekend...

Cheers guy's. :)

very nice set :)

what was your lighting set up for the dance floor shots?

Just 'on-camera' bounced flash, although I would say it was on the limit of power as I had to wait for it to recycle a few times (ceiling was high and dark wood)
Used an ISO around 2000 and a slower shutter speed when shooting at 2.8 with my 14-24. Used ISO 1000 and a faster shutter when shooting at 1.4 with my 35.

Nice pussy!

Some really good shots in there, you should be proud. Also like the slightly desaturated/bleached feel you've gone for. Not too much like a lot of these vintage photographers but nice and subtle.

Thanks, yeh I was very happy. It was raining most of the day, the couple were really nice so I really didn't want to let them down.
Regarding processing, I didn't want to stray too far from neutral, as I don't want them to look naff in a few years.
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No idea...I did and passed BLP and accountancy module but it has all left my head! and I CBA to get the books out lol
Btw, they don't need to cost much.

We are talking a few hundred, not thousands for something simply like this. Mine is always on the phone when i need him, although I find it easier with emails.

I do know this, you don't need to submit tax returns just yet, but you need to document all the takings you've done and the tax will start from that, i guess you started after April last year? So your first tax return isn't due until January 2014.

Oh, you always pay taxes a year in is PITA.

And mine managed to save me more than his fees, much more.
That's not a problem although i strongly suggest you find someone local to you. You don't want to be driving 2 hours for a 15 mins meeting to sign some papers!
You can backdate tax as well. We claimed back for the equipment we bought over a year before we actually started the company. That was all sorted out by our accountant too so unsure as to the specific rules as to what can and can't be claimed etc or even what it's called, but certainly worth looking at as it could save you hundreds.
What ISO are you ramping it up on for indoor shots on your D700! whats your limit?

My ISO ceiling is 12800. However I rarely go above ISO 2000 if using flash.
If using flash I set my ambient exposure manually, and let the TTL do it's thing with flash exposure.
I don't mind grain and I went with a processing style where grain doesn't spoil the image. 12800 works for me as it still retains good detail. The image disproportionately falls apart at ISO25000 though, so 12800 is my absolute limit.
ISO 11400 but was boosted 2/3 of a stop in post (I always under expose slightly), my action lifts shadows a bit as well.

To me it look pretty good in B&W, but I also don't mind high ISO's in colour either.


That doesn't look too bad in B&W but really dont think it looks great in colour, it just seems like ISO left up high.

But the girl in blue has lovely legs and figure :D
Such high iso looks fine in low light on the 5d3 but in daylight it looks like accidental high iso usage really. Although if the exposure is spot on then it's smooth on any light.
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