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Any chance of a deal on the Coolermaster Elite 335 Case coming up anytime?
They were on a deal before for £25.21, hoping to convince myself to buy another.

That's a great read, thanks for the thorough review! I was quite tempted to go for one of the antec cp 850s as they're kind of custom built for this case, depends whether my current power supply will reach or not though :)

IF it wont reach (it'll likely be the main plug that wont) and it's not way too short, you have a couple of options,

1. get 24 pin extension lead, usually a few inches long
2. Depending on your motherboard size, and it's position in relation to the cable access slot you plan to use, you can take the round cable protector from the lower section partition that makes sure there are no sharp edges (if you have one) and then elongate the cable access slot (i made mine like a half circle) then use the cable protector around your fresh cut area, thus protecting the cables .... if you dont have one of those, get a piece of heavy gauge mains cable and strip a suitable length of insulation from one of the inner cables, slice it down it's length and fit that ;)
anyone think the HP Compaq Mini 311c will come down in price once the ION-2 comes or do u think its a winner at this price?
These have already come down substantially in price since the initial release. There may be an odd clearance deal at the end but I suspect they will just release the ION 2 version at the original price of the 311c when that first came out.
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