Weekly Playstation Store Update thread

gah think I've just wasted a fiver.

Had the US version of Rock Band for a while now, so downloaded a few songs this morning and I can't get them up in game :(

Just a heads up for anyone else doing the same thing.
i loved the demo, more MS goodness for me, feels just like the 1st, if you didn't like that you won't like this, 16 tracks, 4 player splitscreen, skip option for crashs, just as much fun as Motorstorm IMHO

as for mud tracks, this level doesn't have any real mud sections as its mainly rock surface, well not noticed any
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Mercs 2 demo is due today, I think. Apart from that I think the "big" things today are non store related (Burnout Bikes Pack and Life with Playstation).

Mercs 2 demo is due today, I think. Apart from that I think the "big" things today are non store related (Burnout Bikes Pack and Life with Playstation).


I haven't heard any Heroes news from you recently, doesn't the new series start soon?
I haven't heard any Heroes news from you recently, doesn't the new series start soon?

******!!! :D

I will be updating my Sig to reflect the terrestrial air date of Heroes Season 3 on BBC2. Sadly BBC have not yet announced the actual date. 25th September was Originally bandied about as a date but could now be 30th Sep or 2nd October. Leaving us either 3 days, 8 days, or 10 days behind USA broadcasts. (Which commence on 22nd September with a 1 hour recap of seasons 1/2 and a 2 hour premiere).

Season 3 will be split into 2 Volumes. "Villains", followed by "Fugitives".

Also over the summer there was a 3 part webisode on NBC website that showed a new character who may/may not be in Volume 3 (Villains). On top of this I have about 40 episodes of the online weekly comic to catch up as well. (http://www.nbc.com/Heroes/novels/novels_library.shtml)

As a Heroes fan, these are very exciting times for me (especially as S1+S2 on Blu-ray was delivered to me last week). Sadly I have learnt not everyone on these forums appreciates my enthusiasm, for above mentioned show, so I am making a concerted effort to "tone" things down a tad.

Seeing as you "seem" interested, possibly you can donate your signature space to advertising Season 3, when the time comes. I notice the space is currently unoccupied. :D

EDIT BBC Heroes site updated today!! (http://www.bbc.co.uk/drama/heroes/)

If you want to help spread the word stick this in your sig:

Heroes Season 3 begins Wednesday 1st Oct. on 9PM BBC2
(Size 2, Colour Yellow).

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